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SMS Server Settings


SMS server settings is an important feature of the AIOps that enables users to send SMS notifications to desired recipients. To configure the SMS server settings, users need to provide the SMS gateway URL provided by the service provider their organization uses. This URL must include pre-configured tags for the message and recipient numbers so that AIOps can identify the message to send to the recipient number.

With this feature, users can ensure timely communication of critical issues, incidents, or alerts to stakeholders through SMS notifications. This can help improve the response time of the team and ensure quick resolution of incidents.

In this user guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure the SMS server settings in the AIOps product. We will cover the necessary details required to ensure successful configuration and usage of this feature.

Go to Menu. Select System Settings . After that, select SMS Server Settings. The SMS server settings screen is now displayed.

SMS Server Settings Screen

To configure the SMS gateway URL on the SMS server settings screen, you will need to enter the URL provided by your organization's SMS gateway service provider. This URL typically contains authorization details, message content, language, and recipient numbers.

For example, the gateway URL provided by your service provider may look something like this: is test message&language=english&route=q&numbers=9999999999,8888888888,7777777777'

However, to enable the AIOps product to identify the message and recipient numbers, you will need to replace the specific message and number values in the URL with variable tags, '$$message$$' and '$$number$$' respectively. The updated URL would look like this:$$message$$&language=english&route=q&numbers=$$number$$'

You will also need to update the API key you have generated by the service provider in the link.

In this updated URL, the variable tag '$$message$$' will be replaced with the actual message content entered by the user, and the variable tag '$$number$$' will be replaced with the actual recipient numbers entered by the user. This will allow AIOps to understand and use the provided information to send SMS notifications to the desired recipients.

When entering the SMS gateway URL on the SMS server settings screen, it is important to ensure that the URL is entered correctly and all necessary details, including the authorization key, message content, and recipient numbers, are included.

After providing the URL on the field SMS Gateway URL, click on the Test button. A pop-up asking for a recepient number will be displayed as follows:

Provide the details for the recepient number and message in the pop-up and click on the Send Test SMS button. Once the Test SMS is sent successfully, you can then click on the Save SMS Server Settings button to save the SMS server settings you just configured.