Oracle, the robust and feature-rich database management system, seamlessly integrates with Motadata AIOps to provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities. With this integration, organizations gain real-time visibility into the performance and health of their Oracle databases. Monitor critical database metrics such as query execution times, transaction rates, and tablespace utilization to ensure efficient data processing and retrieval.

Supported Versions
Versions |
5 |
19.5 (Windows) | (Windows) | (Linux) |
Prerequisites for Oracle Integration with Motadata AIOps:
Ensure that the Oracle port (default: 1521) is open for the Motadata AIOps server.
Ensure you have the necessary credentials, including the username and password, for Motadata AIOps to connect to the Oracle database.
Ensure that JDBC is supported on the server where Oracle Database is configured.
For agentless monitoring, ensure that the user has the required access for remote access to the Oracle database server. For agent-based monitoring, this is not required.
Ensure that the Oracle service is active and running on the server.
Ensure you have the name of the Oracle database that you want to monitor.
Confirm that the Oracle process and service are listed in the process and service monitor settings of Motadata AIOps. While these may be listed by default, verify that the names of the service and process match the specific Oracle version that you intend to monitor.
By following these prerequisites, you can integrate Oracle with Motadata AIOps and ensure smooth functioning of the monitoring process.
List of Supported KPIs
Name | Description | Type |
system.tags | Tags associated with the system | String | | Amount of PGA memory available for sorting and hashing | Count |
oracle.shared.pool.used.bytes | Amount of memory used in the shared pool | Count |
oracle.pga.max.processes | Maximum number of processes that can be created in PGA | Count |
oracle.library.cache.used.bytes | Amount of memory used in the library cache | Count |
oracle.large.pool.used.bytes | Amount of memory used in the large pool | Count |
oracle.rows.sorts | Number of rows sorted | Count |
oracle.created.time | Time of Oracle instance creation | String |
oracle.database.physical.reads | Number of physical reads from the database | Count |
oracle.pga.allocated.bytes | Amount of PGA memory allocated | Count |
oracle.enqueue.releases | Number of enqueue releases | Count |
oracle.sql.cache.hit.ratio.percent | Percentage of SQL cache hits | Count |
oracle.database.physical.writes | Number of physical writes to the database | Count |
oracle.library.cache.hit.ratio.percent | Percentage of library cache hits | Count |
oracle.pga.cache.hit.ratio.percent | Percentage of PGA cache hits | Count | | Amount of memory used in the Java pool | Count |
oracle.enqueue.waits | Number of enqueue waits | Count |
oracle.disk.sorts | Number of disk sorts performed | Count |
oracle.enqueue.requests | Number of enqueue requests | Count |
oracle.database.block.used.bytes | Amount of block space used in the database | Count |
oracle.memory.sorts | Number of memory sorts | Count |
oracle.logins | Number of Oracle logins | Count | | Amount of free memory in SGA | Count |
oracle.index.scans | Number of index scans | Count |
oracle.enqueue.conversations | Number of enqueue conversations | Count |
oracle.waiting.sessions | Number of sessions waiting | Count |
oracle.user.rollbacks | Number of user rollbacks | Count |
oracle.sga.used.bytes | Amount of memory used in SGA | Count |
oracle.enqueue.deadlocks | Number of enqueue deadlocks | Count | | Number of waits for free buffers | Count |
oracle.cursor.miss.ratio.percent | Percentage of cursor misses | Count |
oracle.blocking.sessions | Number of sessions blocking | Count |
oracle.version | Oracle database version | String | | Oracle database open mode | String |
oracle.pga.used.percent | Percentage of PGA memory used | Count |
oracle.user.commits | Number of user commits | Count |
oracle.consistent.gets | Number of consistent gets | Count |
oracle.log.mode | Oracle database log mode | String |
oracle.opened.cursors | Number of opened cursors | Count |
oracle.enqueue.timeouts | Number of enqueue timeouts | Count | | Percentage of data dictionary cache hits | Count |
oracle.database.block.gets | Number of database block gets | Count |
oracle.avg.executions | Average number of executions | Count |
oracle.pga.processes | Number of PGA processes | Count |
oracle.pga.used.bytes | Amount of PGA memory used | Count |
oracle.buffer.busy.waits | Number of buffer busy waits | Count |
oracle.cursor.hit.ratio.percent | Percentage of cursor hits | Count |
oracle.write.complete.waits | Number of write complete waits | Count | | Number of active sessions | Count |
started.time.sec | Uptime in seconds | Count |
started.time | Uptime | String |
oracle.table.scans | Number of table scans | Count |
oracle.sql.area.used.bytes | The amount of memory in bytes used by SQL areas in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.database.used.bytes | The total size of the Oracle database in bytes, including data files, control files, and log files. | Count |
oracle.database.allocated.bytes | The amount of disk space allocated for the Oracle database in bytes, including data files, control files, and log files. | Count |
oracle.database.occupied.bytes | The amount of disk space currently occupied by the Oracle database in bytes. | Count | | The amount of free disk space available for the Oracle database in bytes. | Count |
oracle.parse.ratio.percent | The percentage of SQL statements parsed compared to the total number of SQL statements executed in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.user.calls | The total number of calls made by Oracle users, including SQL statements, PL/SQL calls, and other database operations. | Count |
oracle.buffer.cache.hit.ratio.percent | The percentage of data requests serviced from the buffer cache in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.sga.used.percent | The percentage of the System Global Area (SGA) memory used by the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.sga.memory.used.bytes | The amount of SGA memory used by the Oracle database in bytes. | Count |
oracle.fixed.sga.used.bytes | The amount of fixed SGA memory used by the Oracle database in bytes. | Count |
oracle.redo.buffers | The number of buffers used for storing redo log information in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.streams.pool.used.bytes | The amount of memory in bytes used by the Streams pool in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.buffer.cache.used.bytes | The amount of memory in bytes used by the buffer cache in the Oracle database. | Count | | The amount of memory in bytes used by the shared I/O pool in the Oracle database. | Count |
oracle.log.destination.archived.sequence | The sequence number of the last archived log in the Oracle log destination. | Count |
oracle.log.destination.delay.sec | The delay in seconds for the Oracle log destination. | Count | | The protection mode of the Oracle log destination. Possible values include "NORMAL", "MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE", etc. | String |
oracle.log.destination.path | The file path of the Oracle log destination. | String |
oracle.log.destination.status | The status of the Oracle log destination. Possible values include "VALID", "INVALID", "ERROR", etc. | String |
oracle.log.destination.affirm | The affirm setting of the Oracle log destination. Possible values include "YES", "NO", etc. | String |
oracle.log.destination | The name of the Oracle log destination. | String |
oracle.log.destination.type | The type of the Oracle log destination. Possible values include "FILE", "ASM", "STANDBY", etc. | String | | The unique identifier of the Oracle log destination. | Count | | The sequence number of the last failed log in the Oracle log destination. | Count |
oracle.log.destination.timedout.sec | The timeout duration in seconds for the Oracle log destination. | Count |
oracle.log.destination.recovery.mode | The recovery mode of the Oracle log destination. Possible values include "MANUAL", "AUTOMATIC", etc. | String |
oracle.log.destination.sequence | The current sequence number of the Oracle log destination. | Count |
oracle.log.destination.applied.sequence | The sequence number of the last applied log in the Oracle log destination. | Count |
oracle.query.username | The username associated with the Oracle query. | String |
oracle.query.sid | The system identifier (SID) of the Oracle session executing the query. | Count |
oracle.query.executions | The number of times the Oracle query has been executed. | Count |
oracle.query.last.update.time | The timestamp of the last update made to the Oracle query. | String | | The unique identifier (SQL ID) assigned to the Oracle query. | String |
oracle.query.start.time | The timestamp when the Oracle query started executing. | String |
oracle.query.elapsed.seconds | The elapsed time in seconds for the execution of the Oracle query. | Count |
oracle.query | The text of the Oracle query. | String | | The unique identifier for the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.command | The command being executed in the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.status | The current status of the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.remote.client | The remote client connected to the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.user | The user associated with the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.query | The number of queries executed in the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.application | The application associated with the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.duration.sec | The duration of the Oracle session in seconds. | Count |
oracle.session.duration | The duration of the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.logon.time | The timestamp when the Oracle session was logged on. | String | | The CPU time in milliseconds used by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.memory.sorts | The number of sorts performed in memory by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.disk.sorts | The number of sorts performed on disk by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.table.sorts | The number of table sorts performed by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.physical.reads | The number of physical disk reads performed by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.logical.reads | The number of logical reads performed by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.commits | The number of commits performed in the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.cursors | The number of cursors used in the Oracle session. | Count | | The unique identifier for the blocked Oracle session. | Count | | The unique identifier of the session being blocked. | Count |
oracle.session.blocking.user | The user responsible for blocking the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.blocked.program | The program associated with the blocked Oracle session. | String | | The host of the session responsible for blocking. | String | | The host of the blocked Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.lock.type | The type of lock held by the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.blocking.lock.mode | The lock mode used by the session responsible for blocking. | String |
oracle.session.blocked.lock.mode | The lock mode held by the blocked session. | String |
oracle.session.lock.id2 | The second identifier of the lock held by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.lock.id1 | The first identifier of the lock held by the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.blocked.user | The user associated with the blocked Oracle session. | String |
oracle.session.blocking.program | The program associated with the session responsible for blocking. | String | | The unique identifier for the waiting Oracle session. | Count | | The unique identifier of the session being blocked. | Count | | The serial identifier of the Oracle session. | Count |
oracle.session.wait.duration.sec | The duration of time in seconds that the Oracle session waited. | Count |
oracle.session.blocking.user | The user responsible for blocking the Oracle session. | String |
oracle.rollback.segment.current.size.bytes | The current size in bytes of the Oracle rollback segment. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment.shrinks | The number of times the Oracle rollback segment has shrunk. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment | The name of the Oracle rollback segment. | String | | The size in bytes of the next extent of the Oracle rollback segment. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment.wraps | The number of times the Oracle rollback segment has wrapped. | Count | | The table space associated with the Oracle rollback segment. | String |
oracle.rollback.segment.status | The status of the Oracle rollback segment. | String |
oracle.rollback.segment.initial.extent.size.bytes | The initial size in bytes of the extent of the Oracle rollback segment. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment.extends | The number of times the Oracle rollback segment has extended. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment.water.mark.size | The size of the water mark for the Oracle rollback segment. | Count |
oracle.rollback.segment.hit.ratio.percent | The hit ratio percentage of the Oracle rollback segment. | Count |
oracle.rac.instance | The name of the Oracle RAC instance. | String |
oracle.rac.instance.database.version | The version of the database associated with the RAC instance. | String |
oracle.rac.instance.status | The status of the Oracle RAC instance. | String | | The host name where the RAC instance is running. | String |
oracle.job | The name of the Oracle job. | String |
oracle.job.current.status | The current status of the Oracle job. | String |
oracle.job.executions | The number of times the Oracle job has been executed. | Count |
oracle.job.fails | The number of times the Oracle job has failed. | Count |
oracle.job.retries | The number of retries for the Oracle job. | Count |
oracle.job.last.status | The last status of the Oracle job. | Count |
oracle.job.last.execution.time | The time of the last execution of the Oracle job. | String | | The next scheduled execution time of the Oracle job. | String |
oracle.job.enable | Indicates whether the Oracle job is enabled or disabled. | String |
oracle.job.last.execution.duration.sec | The duration of the last execution of the Oracle job in seconds. | Count |
oracle.job.elapsed.time | The elapsed time of the Oracle job. | Count | | The name of the table associated with the Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.index.index.type | The type of the Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.index.uniqueness | Indicates the uniqueness of the Oracle index. | Count | | The name of the column associated with the Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.index | The name of the Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.unused.index | The name of the unused Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.unused.index.owner | The owner of the unused Oracle index. | Count | | The name of the table associated with the unused Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.unused.index.rows | The number of rows in the unused Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.unused.index.size.bytes | The size of the unused Oracle index in bytes. | Count | | The name of the constraint associated with the unused Oracle index. | Count |
oracle.unused.index.idle.time.days | The number of idle days for the unused Oracle index. | Count | | The number associated with the Oracle ASM disk group. | String | | The name of the Oracle ASM disk group. | String | | The state of the Oracle ASM disk group. | String | | The type of the Oracle ASM disk group. | String | | The number of provisioned bytes in the Oracle ASM disk group. | Count | | The number of free bytes in the Oracle ASM disk group. | Count | | The number of used bytes in the Oracle ASM disk group. | Count | | The number of Oracle data files. | Count |
oracle.table.spaces | The number of Oracle table spaces. | Count | | The size of the temporary table space in bytes. | Count | | The amount of used space in the temporary table space in bytes. | Count | | The amount of free space in the temporary table space in bytes. | Count | | The percentage of used space in the temporary table space. | Count | | The name of the Oracle data file. | String | | The time taken to read the Oracle data file in milliseconds. | Count | | The table space associated with the Oracle data file. | String | | The size of the Oracle data file in bytes. | Count | | The status of the Oracle data file. | String | | The time taken to write to the Oracle data file in milliseconds. | Count | | The number of physical writes to the Oracle data file. | Count | | The number of physical reads from the Oracle data file. | Count | | The name of the Oracle table space. | String | | The percentage of utilization in the Oracle table space. | Count | | The number of blocks in the Oracle table space. | Count | | The size of the Oracle table space in bytes. | Count | | The amount of used space in the Oracle table space in bytes. | Count | | The time taken to write to the Oracle table space in milliseconds. | Count | | The number of data files in the Oracle table space. | Count | | The time taken to read from the Oracle table space in milliseconds. | Count | | The number of free blocks in the Oracle table space. | Count |
oracle.table | The name of the Oracle table. | String | | The name of the table space associated with the Oracle table. | String |
oracle.table.status | The status of the Oracle table. | String |
oracle.table.partitioned | Indicates whether the Oracle table is partitioned. | String |
oracle.table.rows | The number of rows in the Oracle table. | Count |
oracle.table.size.bytes | The size of the Oracle table in bytes. | Count |