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AWS Load Balancer - Network


AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) is a fully managed load balancing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It operates at the transport layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model, making it highly efficient and suitable for applications that require extreme scalability and low latency.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for Amazon ELB here. These are the same for any other AWS service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding AWS resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for AWS resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

AWS Network ELB

aws.elb.unhealthy.hostsThe maximum count of unhealthy hosts in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.healthy.hostsThe maximum count of healthy hosts in the ELB.Count
event.timestampThe count of event timestamps.Count sum of new UDP flows in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tcp.processed.bytesThe sum of processed TCP bytes in the ELB.Bytes sum of new flows in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.processed.bytes.rateThe sum of processed bytes rate in the ELB.Bytes average count of active flows in the ELB.Count average count of active TCP flows in the ELB.Count average count of active TLS flows in the ELB.Count average count of active UDP flows in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.client.tls.negotiation.errorsThe sum of client TLS negotiation errors in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.consumed.lcusThe sum of consumed LCUs in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tcp.consumed.lcusThe sum of consumed LCUs for TCP in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tls.consumed.lcusThe sum of consumed LCUs for TLS in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.udp.consumed.lcusThe sum of consumed LCUs for UDP in the ELB.Count sum of new TCP flows in the ELB.Count sum of new TLS flows in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tls.processed.bytesThe sum of processed TLS bytes in the ELB.Bytes
aws.elb.udp.processed.bytesThe sum of processed UDP bytes in the ELB.Bytes sum of target TLS negotiation errors in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tcp.client.resetsThe sum of TCP client resets in the ELB.Count
aws.elb.tcp.elb.resetsThe sum of TCP ELB resets in the ELB.Count sum of TCP target ELB resets in the ELB.Count


aws.elb.instance.creation.timeThe creation time of the AWS ELB instance.String
aws.elb.vpc.idThe ID of the VPC associated with the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.load.balancer.nameThe name of the AWS ELB load balancer.String
aws.elb.instance.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the AWS ELB instance in seconds.consts.MetricCount
aws.elb.schemeThe scheme of the AWS ELB.String
aws.stateThe state of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.hosted.zoneThe hosted zone of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.dns.nameThe DNS name of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.ipaddress.typeThe IP address type of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.regionThe region of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.arnThe ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the AWS ELB.String
aws.elb.typeThe type of the AWS ELB.String
aws.availability.zoneThe availability zone of the AWS ELB.String
statusThe status of the AWS ELB.String security groups associated with the AWS ELB.String
system.tagsThe system tags of the AWS ELB.String