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AWS CloudFront


AWS CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It enables organizations to deliver their content, including web pages, videos, images, and other static or dynamic assets, to users with low latency and high data transfer speeds. CloudFront uses a global network of edge locations strategically placed around the world, reducing the distance between end-users and content servers, thus improving performance and user experience.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for AWS Cloudfront here. These are the same for any other AWS service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding AWS resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for AWS resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

aws.cloudfront.401.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 401.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.403.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 403.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.404.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 404.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.4xx.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 4xx.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.502.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 502.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.503.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 503.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.504.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 504.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.5xx.error.rate.percentThe percentage of all the requests with response’s HTTP status code as 5xx.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.cache.hit.ratio.percentThe percentage of all the HTTP requests for which the CloudFront queried the content from the cache. This shows the proportion of requests completed from CloudFront cache instead of going to the origin server.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.downloaded.bytes.rateThe total number of bytes downloaded by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.None
aws.cloudfront.requests.rateThe number of requests for all HTTP methods and for both HTTP and HTTPS requests.None percentage of all viewer requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.Percentage(%)
aws.cloudfront.uploaded.bytes.rateThe total number of bytes that viewers uploaded to your origin with CloudFront, using POST and PUT requests.None
aws.cloudfront.origin.latency.msThe total time spent from when CloudFront receives a request to when it starts providing a response to the network (not the viewer) for requests that are served from the origin (not the CloudFront cache). This is also known as first byte latency or time-to-first-byteMilliseconds