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Ruckus Wireless


Ruckus Wireless, the reliable and high-performance wireless networking solution by Ruckus Networks, seamlessly integrates with Motadata AIOps to provide comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities. With this integration, organizations gain real-time visibility into the performance and health of their Ruckus wireless infrastructure. Monitor critical wireless network metrics such as client connections, signal strength, and access point utilization to ensure seamless and reliable wireless connectivity.


  • Before configuring the AIOps integration with Ruckus Wireless, ensure that you have the credentials for HTTP/HTTPS access to the Ruckus device.

List of Supported KPIs

ping.min.latency.msMinimum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
ping.received.packetsNumber of packets received during pingCount
ping.lost.packetsNumber of packets lost during pingCount
ping.max.latency.msMaximum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
object.targetTarget object identifierString
ping.sent.packetsNumber of packets sent during pingCount
ping.packet.lost.percentPercentage of packet loss during pingPercent
ping.latency.msAverage latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
system.oidSystem Object IdentifierString
started.time.secUptime in Seconds for the monitorCount
started.timeUptime of the monitorString
object.nameName of the monitorString
system.locationLocation of the monitorString
system.descriptionDescription of the monitorString
correlation.metricsCorrelation metrics between network connectionsString
network.connection.tcp.connectionsNumber of TCP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.connectionsNumber of UDP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.error.segmentsNumber of UDP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.error.segmentsNumber of TCP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.retransmitted.segmentsNumber of TCP retransmitted segmentsCount
destination.ipDestination IP addressString
destination.portDestination port numberCount
network.connection.protocolProtocol used for network connectionCount
network.connection.stateState of the network connectionString
source.ipSource IP addressString
source.portSource port numberCount
interface.sent.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets sent on the interfaceCount of incoming packets on the interfaceCount
interface.packetsNumber of packets on the interfaceCount
interface.error.packetsNumber of error packets on the interfaceCount
interface.sent.error.packetsNumber of error packets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.received.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.received.octetsNumber of octets received on the interfaceCount
interface.bit.typeBit type of the interfaceCount
statusStatus of the interfaceString
interface.out.packetsNumber of outgoing packets on the interfaceCount
interface.operational.statusOperational status of the interfaceString
interface.admin.statusAdmin status of the interfaceCount
interface.sent.octetsNumber of octets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.last.changeLast change of the interfaceString
interface.received.error.packetsNumber of error packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets on the interfaceCount
started.timeUptime of the interfaceString
started.time.secUptime in seconds of the interfaceString of active WLANsCount
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.pointsCount of rogue access pointsCount
ruckus.wireless.licensed.access.pointsCount of licensed access pointsCount
ruckus.wireless.inactive.wlansCount of inactive WLANsCount
ruckus.wireless.wlansCount of total wireless WLANsCount
ruckus.wireless.access.pointsCount of total wireless access pointsCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.rebootsCount of access point rebootsCount
ruckus.wireless.disconnected.access.pointsCount of disconnected access pointsCount
ruckus.wireless.healthy.clientsCount of healthy clientsCount
ruckus.wireless.excellent.clientsCount of excellent clientsCount
ruckus.wireless.clientsCount of total wireless clientsCount
ruckus.wireless.warning.clientsCount of warning clientsCount
ruckus.wireless.modelModel of the Ruckus wireless systemString
ruckus.wireless.system.nameName of the Ruckus wireless systemString
ruckus.wireless.serial.noSerial number of the Ruckus wireless systemString
ruckus.wireless.versionVersion of the Ruckus wireless systemString
started.timeUptime of the Ruckus wireless system (string)String
started.time.secUptime of the Ruckus wireless system (seconds)Count
ruckus.wireless.access.pointWireless Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.cpu.percentCPU Usage percentage of the Access PointCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.memory.installed.bytesInstalled Memory in Bytes of the Access PointCount Memory in Bytes of the Access PointCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.sent.bytes.rateRate of Bytes Sent by the Access PointCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.received.bytes.rateRate of Bytes Received by the Access PointCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.bytes.rateTotal Rate of Bytes (Sent + Received)Count
ruckus.wireless.access.point.started.time.secUptime of the Access Point in secondsCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.started.timeUptime of the Access Point (string format)String
ruckus.wireless.access.point.ip.typeType of IP address (e.g., IPv4 or IPv6)String
ruckus.wireless.access.point.descriptionDescription of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.locationLocation of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.external.ipExternal IP address of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.latitudeLatitude of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.dnsDNS configuration of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.netmaskNetmask configuration of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.l3.connection.modeL3 Connection Mode of the Access PointString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.ip.addressWireless Access Point IP AddressString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.ip6Ruckus Access Point IPv6 AddressString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.longitudeRuckus Access Point LongitudeString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.mac.addressWireless Access Point MAC AddressString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.modelWireless Access Point ModelString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.tunnel.modeRuckus Access Point Tunnel ModeString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.statusWireless Access Point StatusString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.serial.numberWireless Access Point Serial NumberString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.gatewayRuckus Access Point GatewayString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.external.portRuckus Access Point External PortCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.clientsWireless Access Point ClientsCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.vlanRuckus Access Point VLANCount
ruckus.wireless.access.point.versionRuckus Access Point VersionString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.groupWireless Access Point GroupString
ruckus.wireless.access.point.groupRepresents the name of the wireless access point group in the Ruckus wireless system.String a brief description of the wireless access point group, detailing its purpose or attributes.String unique identifier assigned to the wireless access point group for internal tracking purposes.Count the number of access points associated with the wireless access point group.Count
interfaceRefers to the network interface in the system, such as an Ethernet or Wi-Fi interface.Count
interface.nameSpecifies the name of the network interface for identification and reference.String
interface.operational.statusRepresents the current operational status of the network interface, such as 'up' or 'down'.String
interface.speed.bytes.per.secShows the data transfer speed of the network interface in bytes per second.Count
interface.addressThe IP address associated with the network interface.String
interface.out.packetsThe total number of outgoing packets transmitted through the network interface.Count
interface.sent.octetsThe total number of outgoing octets (bytes) transmitted through the network interface.Count
interface.received.octetsThe total number of incoming octets (bytes) received through the network interface.Count total number of incoming packets received through the network interface.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.nameThe name of the Ruckus Wireless LAN (WLAN).String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.descriptionA description providing additional information about the WLAN.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.authentication.typeThe type of authentication used for client devices connecting to the WLAN.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.background.scanningIndicates whether background scanning is enabled for the WLAN.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.groupThe group to which the WLAN belongs.String
ruckus.wireless.wlanThe name of the Ruckus Wireless LAN (WLAN).String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.cipherThe cipher (encryption) algorithm used for securing WLAN communication.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.statusThe current status of the WLAN, such as 'enabled' or 'disabled'.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.encryptionThe type of encryption used for securing WLAN communication.String
ruckus.wireless.wlan.clientsThe number of client devices currently connected to the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.received.packets.rateThe rate at which packets are being received by the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.sent.packets.rateThe rate at which packets are being sent from the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.packets.rateThe overall rate of packet activity (both sent and received) on the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.traffic.received.bytes.rateThe rate at which data bytes are being received by the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.traffic.sent.bytes.rateThe rate at which data bytes are being sent from the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.traffic.bytes.rateThe overall rate of data bytes activity (both sent and received) on the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.access.vlanThe VLAN ID associated with client devices connecting to the WLAN.Count
ruckus.wireless.wlan.idThe unique identifier for the Ruckus Wireless LAN (WLAN).Count
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.pointRepresents a rogue access point detected in the wireless network.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.channelThe channel on which the rogue access point is operating.Count
ruckus.wireless.rogue.typeIndicates the type or category of the detected rogue access point.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.last.detectedThe date and time when the rogue access point was last detected.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.mac.addressThe MAC address (unique identifier) of the rogue access point.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.encryptionThe encryption method used by the rogue access point.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.interface.typeThe type of interface used by the rogue access point (e.g., 802.11a/b/g/n/ac).String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.statusThe current status of the rogue access point, such as 'active' or 'inactive'.String
ruckus.wireless.rogue.access.point.nameName of the rogue access pointString
ruckus.wireless.clientRepresents a wireless client connected to the Ruckus wireless network.String
ruckus.wireless.client.os.typeThe operating system type of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.wlan.nameThe name of the WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) to which the client is connected.String
ruckus.wireless.client.ap.mac.addressThe MAC address (unique identifier) of the wireless access point the client is connected to.String
ruckus.wireless.client.ap.ip.addressThe IP address of the wireless access point the client is connected to.String
ruckus.wireless.client.ipv6.addressThe IPv6 address of the wireless client (if available).String host name of the wireless client (if available).String
ruckus.wireless.client.auth.methodThe authentication method used by the wireless client to connect to the network.String
ruckus.wireless.client.auth.statusThe authentication status of the wireless client (e.g., authenticated or not).String
ruckus.wireless.client.statusThe current status of the wireless client (e.g., online or offline).String
ruckus.wireless.client.usernameThe username associated with the wireless client (if available).String
ruckus.wireless.client.traffic.received.bytes.rateThe rate of incoming traffic in bytes per second for the wireless client.Count
ruckus.wireless.client.traffic.sent.bytes.rateThe rate of outgoing traffic in bytes per second for the wireless client.Count
ruckus.wireless.client.traffic.bytes.rateThe total rate of traffic (incoming + outgoing) in bytes per second for the wireless client.Count
ruckus.wireless.client.channelThe channel frequency on which the wireless client is communicating.Count
ruckus.wireless.client.vlanThe VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) ID associated with the wireless client.Count
ruckus.wireless.client.ip.addressThe IPv4 address of the wireless client.String
ruckus.wireless.client.inactive.timeThe inactive time of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.inactive.time.secThe inactive time of the wireless client in seconds (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.wlanThe WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) associated with the client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.uptimeThe uptime of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.healthThe health status of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.apThe access point to which the wireless client is connected (if available, randomly generated otherwise).String
ruckus.wireless.client.uptime.secThe uptime of the wireless client in seconds (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.sent.packets.rateThe rate of sent packets by the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.channelizationThe channelization information of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.retriesThe number of retries made by the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.wlan.idThe WLAN ID associated with the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.received.packets.rateThe rate of received packets by the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.packets.rateThe rate of packets (sent + received) by the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.snrThe signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count
ruckus.wireless.client.signal.strength.dbmThe signal strength in dBm of the wireless client (if available, randomly generated otherwise).Count