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📄️ Custom Metric Alert Reports

The create custom metric alerts report page allows you to generate tailored reports focusing on metric-based alerts within your monitoring environment. This page offers intuitive fields and options to define the report criteria, allowing you to tailor the report to your organization's monitoring needs and objectives. This report empowers you to identify your infrastructure behavioural trends and potential issues, enabling proactive management and optimization of your IT environment.

📄️ Custom Log Analytics Reports

The custom log analytics report allows you to extract valuable insights from log data collected within your monitoring environment. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of log events, enabling you to identify trends that may impact infrastructure performance. By creating customized log analytics reports, you can extract meaningful information from log events, detect security threats, troubleshoot issues, and optimize system performance. This page provides the necessary details to configure the report according to your log analysis requirements, enabling you to derive actionable insights from your log data.

📄️ Custom Flow Analytics Reports

The custom flow analytics report enables you to analyze network traffic flow data within your monitoring environment. This report provides insights into network behavior, traffic patterns, and potential security threats, allowing you to optimize network performance and enhance security posture. By customizing the report parameters, you can focus on specific flow data sources, protocols, or time periods to gain deeper visibility into your network infrastructure.

📄️ Custom Script Reports

The create custom script report page allows users to generate reports based on custom scripts within the Motadata AIOps platform. This feature enables organizations to extract specific insights and metrics from their IT environment using customized scripts tailored to their unique monitoring requirements. By leveraging custom script reports, users can gain deeper visibility into key performance indicators, troubleshoot issues, and optimize their infrastructure effectively.