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Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams is a collaborative communication and productivity platform offered by Microsoft as part of its Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) suite of tools. It combines chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and integration with other Microsoft 365 services to create a unified and efficient workspace for teams and organizations.


List of Supported KPIs

Teams TeamRepresents a team in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams ChannelRepresents a channel in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams ChannelsTotal number of channels in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams CallsTotal number of calls in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams MeetingsTotal number of meetings in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams Chat MessagesTotal number of chat messages in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams Web UsersTotal number of web users in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams Windows UsersTotal number of Windows users in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams Android UsersTotal number of Android users in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams iOS UsersTotal number of iOS users in Microsoft TeamsCount
Teams Mac UsersTotal number of Mac users in Microsoft TeamsCount