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Cisco ACI


The Cisco ACI integration facilitates detailed monitoring of Cisco ACI storage elements. This integration helps IT operations professionals maintain the health and performance of their Cisco ACI infrastructure.

List of Supported KPIs

Cisco ACI Fabric

Fabric Global Health global health score of ACI Fabric.
Fabric Max max severity for ACI Fabric.
Fabric Health health status for ACI Fabric.
Fabricscisco.aci.fabricsDisplays the list of all ACI Fabrics.
Fabriccisco.aci.fabricDisplays the ID of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Nodecisco.aci.fabric.nodeDisplays the name of the ACI Fabric node.
Fabric Node IDcisco.aci.fabric.node.idDisplays the ID of the ACI Fabric node.
Fabric Namecisco.aci.fabric.nameShows the name of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Statuscisco.aci.fabric.statusDisplays the current status of ACI Fabric.
Fabric Statecisco.aci.fabric.stateShows the state of ACI Fabric.
Fabric Modelcisco.aci.fabric.modelDisplays the model number of the Cisco ACI Fabric.
Fabric IP Addresscisco.aci.fabric.ip.addressShows the IP address of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Serial Numbercisco.aci.fabric.serial.numberDisplays the serial number of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Pod IDcisco.aci.fabric.pod.idDisplays the Pod ID for the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Health the health score for the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Last Rebooted Timecisco.aci.fabric.last.rebooted.timeDisplaye the timestamp of last reboot of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric CPU Used Percentcisco.aci.fabric.cpu.used.percentShows currently used CPU percent of ACI Fabric.
Fabric Memory Used Percentcisco.aci.fabric.memory.used.percentShows currently used memory bytes of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Memory Available Bytescisco.aci.fabric.memory.available.bytesShows currently available memory bytes of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Memory Free free memory bytes.
Fabric Memory Used Bytescisco.aci.fabric.memory.used.bytesDisplays used memory bytes.
Fabric Admin Statecisco.aci.fabric.admin.stateShows the admin state for ACI Fabric.
Fabric APIC Typecisco.aci.fabric.apic.typeDisplays Fabric APIC type.
Fabric Lifecycle Ownercisco.aci.fabric.lifecycle.ownerShows the Fabric lifecycle owner.
Fabric Monitoring Policy DNcisco.aci.fabric.monitoring.policy.dnDisplays the Fabric monitoring policy DN.
Fabric Node Typecisco.aci.fabric.node.typeDisplays the node type of Fabric.
Fabric Vendorcisco.aci.fabric.vendorDisplays the vendor name of the ACI Fabric.
Fabric Versioncisco.aci.fabric.versionDisplays the Fabric version.
Fabric Domaincisco.aci.fabric.domainShows the Fabric Domain.
Fabric IDcisco.aci.fabric.idDisplays the Fabric ID.
Fabric MAC Addresscisco.aci.fabric.mac.addressShows the MAC address of the Fabric.
Fabric INB Management IPv4 the IPv4 address for the INB management of the Fabric.
Fabric INB Management IPv6 the IPv6 address for the INB management of the Fabric.
Fabric INB Management Gateway the gateway address for the INM Management.
Fabric Modecisco.aci.fabric.modeDisplays the Fabric mode.
Fabric OOB Management IPv4 the IPv4 address for the OOB management of the Fabric.
Fabric OOB Management IPv6 the IPv6 address for the OOB management of the Fabric.
Fabric OOB Management Gateway the gateway address for the OOB Management.
Fabric Server Typecisco.aci.fabric.server.typeDisplay the type of ACI Fabric server.
Fabric Site the site ID for ACI Fabric.

Cisco ACI Endpoint

Endpointscisco.aci.endpointsDisplays the list of endpoints.
Endpoint Groupscisco.aci.endpoint.groupsShows the groups of endpoints.
Endpointcisco.aci.endpointDisplays the name of an endpoint.
Endpoint MAC Addresscisco.aci.endpoint.mac.addressShows the MAC address of ACI endpoint.
Endpoint Groupcisco.aci.endpoint.groupDisplays the name of the ACI endpoint group.
Endpoint Statuscisco.aci.endpoint.statusShows the status of ACI endpoint.
Endpoint IPv4 Addresscisco.aci.endpoint.ipv4.addressDisplays the IPv4 address of the endpoint.
Endpoint IPv6 Addresscisco.aci.endpoint.ipv6.addressDisplays the IPv6 address of the endpoint.
Endpoint Tenantcisco.aci.endpoint.tenantShows the Tenant name for the ACI endpoint.

Cisco ACI Controller

Controllerscisco.aci.controllersDisplays the list of ACI controllers.
Controllercisco.aci.controllerDisplays the name of the ACI controller.
Controller Nodecisco.aci.controller.nodeShows the node name for the controller.
Controller Node IDcisco.aci.controller.node.idShows the node ID for the controlller.
Controller Namecisco.aci.controller.nameDisplays the ACI controller name.
Controller Statuscisco.aci.controller.statusDisplays the status of ACI controller.
Controller Statecisco.aci.controller.stateDisplays the state of the controller.
Controller Modelcisco.aci.controller.modelShows the model details of ACI controller.
Controller IP Addresscisco.aci.controller.ip.addressDisplays the IP address of controller.
Controller Serial Numbercisco.aci.controller.serial.numberShows the serial number of the ACI controller.
Controller Pod IDcisco.aci.controller.pod.idDisplays the Pod ID for controller.
Controller Last Rebooted Timecisco.aci.controller.last.rebooted.timeShows the last reboot time of the ACI controller.
Controller CPU Used Percentcisco.aci.controller.cpu.used.percentDisplays the currently used CPU percent of the controller.
Controller Memory Used Percentcisco.aci.controller.memory.used.percentDisplays the currently used memory bytes of the ACI controller.
Controller Memory Available Bytescisco.aci.controller.memory.available.bytesDisplays the currently available memory bytes of the controller.
Controller Memory Free the currently free memory bytes of controller.
Controller Memory Used Bytescisco.aci.controller.memory.used.bytesShows the currently used memory bytes of controller.
Controller Admin Statecisco.aci.controller.admin.stateDisplays the state of admin of the ACI controller.
Controller APIC Typecisco.aci.controller.apic.typeDisplays the APIC type of the ACI controller.
Controller Life Cycle Ownercisco.aci.controller.lifecycle.ownerDisplays the details of lifecycle owner.
Controller Monitoring Policy DNcisco.aci.controller.monitoring.policy.dnDisplays the DN monitoring policy for controller.
Controller Node Typecisco.aci.controller.node.typeDisplays the node type for the ACI controller.
Controller Vendorcisco.aci.controller.vendorDisplays the vendor name of the controller.
Controller Versioncisco.aci.controller.versionDisplays the version of the ACI controller.
Controller Fabric Domaincisco.aci.controller.fabric.domainDisplays the Fabric domain of the controller.
Controller Fabric IDcisco.aci.controller.fabric.idShows the Fabric ID of the ACI controller.
Controller Fabric MAC Addresscisco.aci.controller.fabric.mac.addressDisplays the MAC address of Fabric controller.
Controller INB Management IPv4 the IPv4 address for INB management of controller.
Controller INB Management IPv6 the IPv6 address for INB management of controller.
Controller INB Management Gateway the gateway address for INB management.
Controller Modecisco.aci.controller.modeShows the controller mode for ACI.
Controller OOB Management IPv4 the IPv4 address for OOB management of controller.
Controller OOB Management IPv6 the IPv6 address for OOB management of controller.
Controller OOB Management Gateway the gateway address for OOB management.
Controller Server Typecisco.aci.controller.server.typeDisplays the server type of the controller.
Controller Site the controller site ID.

Cisco ACI Tenants

Tenantscisco.aci.tenantsDisplays the list of ACI tenants.
Tenantcisco.aci.tenantDisplays the name of the ACI tenant.
Tenant Statuscisco.aci.tenant.statusShows the current status of ACI tenant.
Tenant Aliascisco.aci.tenant.aliasDisplays the current alias of the tenant.
Tenant Descriptioncisco.aci.tenant.descriptionDisplays the description fo the ACI tenant.
Tenant Application Profilescisco.aci.tenant.application.profilesShows the application profiles of tenants.
Tenant Endpoint Groupscisco.aci.tenant.endpoint.groupsDisplays the endpoint groups of tenants.
Tenant Bridge Domainscisco.aci.tenant.bridge.domainsDisplaus the bridge domains of the tenants.
Tenant VRFscisco.aci.tenant.vrfsDisplays tenants VRFs.
Tenant Health the current health score of tenant.
Tenant Global Health the current global health score of ACI tenants.
Tenant DNcisco.aci.tenant.dnDisplays the DN of tenant.