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Azure Application Gateway


Azure Application Gateway is a fully-managed application delivery controller service provided by Microsoft Azure. It acts as a reverse proxy and load balancer, enabling the efficient and secure distribution of incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic to backend application servers.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for Azure Application Gateway here. These are the same for any other Azure service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding Azure resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for Azure resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

azure.locationThe location of the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.etagThe Etag value of the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.typeThe type of the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.statusThe status of the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.sku.nameThe SKU name of the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.nameThe name of the Azure Application Gateway.String
system.tagsThe system tags associated with the Azure Application Gateway.String
azure.application.gateway.backend.connect.time.msThe average backend connect time of the Azure Application Gateway.Milliseconds
azure.application.gateway.backend.first.byte.response.time.msThe average backend first byte response time of the Azure Application Gateway.Milliseconds
azure.application.gateway.backend.last.byte.response.time.msThe average backend last byte response time of the Azure Application Gateway.Milliseconds
azure.application.gateway.backend.time.msThe average total time spent in the backend of the Azure Application Gateway.Milliseconds
azure.application.gateway.client.rtt.msThe average round trip time (RTT) for clients of the Azure Application Gateway.Milliseconds average number of new connections per second for the Azure Application Gateway.CountPerSecond
azure.application.gateway.cpu.percentThe average CPU utilization of the Azure Application Gateway.Percent
azure.application.gateway.response.statusThe total number of response statuses from the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.throughput.bytes.per.secThe average throughput of the Azure Application Gateway in bytes per second.BytesPerSecond
azure.application.gateway.requests.rateThe total rate of requests handled by the Azure Application Gateway.Count total number of current connections to the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.failed.requestsThe total number of failed requests handled by the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.healthy.hostsThe average count of healthy hosts in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.unhealthy.hostsThe average count of unhealthy hosts in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.requests.per.healthy.hostThe average number of requests per healthy host in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.received.bytes.rateThe total rate of received bytes by the Azure Application Gateway.Bytes
azure.application.gateway.sent.bytes.rateThe total rate of sent bytes by the Azure Application Gateway.Bytes
azure.application.gateway.tls.protocol.connectionsThe total number of TLS protocol connections to the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.compute.unitsThe average number of compute units consumed by the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.capacity.unitsThe average number of capacity units consumed by the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.firewall.rulesThe total number of matched firewall rules in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.estimated.billed.capacity.unitsThe average estimated billed capacity units of the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.fixed.capacity.unitsThe average fixed billable capacity units of the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.firewall.blocked.request.rulesThe total number of blocked request rules by the firewall in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
azure.application.gateway.firewall.blocked.requestsThe total number of blocked requests by the firewall in the Azure Application Gateway.Count
event.timestampThe count of event timestamps.Count