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HP-UX is a robust and reliable operating system designed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) for their server platforms. The Motadata AIOps integration allows seamless monitoring and management of HP-UX servers, providing real-time insights into performance metrics, system logs, and infrastructure health. Proactively detect issues, optimize resources, and ensure smooth operations for critical business efficiency.

List of Supported KPIs


started.time.secUptime in seconds since the system was startedCount
system.nameName of the systemString
system.os.nameName of the operating systemString
system.processor.queue.lengthLength of the system processor queueCount
system.blocked.processesNumber of blocked processes on the systemCount
system.interrupts.per.secNumber of system interrupts per secondCount
system.cpu.coreNumber of CPU cores on the systemCount
system.cpu.kernel.percentPercentage of CPU kernel timeCount
system.cpu.user.percentPercentage of CPU user timeCount
system.memory.installed.bytesTotal amount of memory installed on the systemCount
system.disk.used.bytesTotal amount of disk space used on the systemCount
system.disk.used.percentPercentage of disk space used on the systemCount of free disk space on the systemCount
started.timeTime when the system was startedCount
system.os.versionVersion of the operating systemCount
system.cpu.idle.percentPercentage of CPU idle timeCount
system.memory.used.percentPercentage of memory usedCount of memory freeCount disk space in bytesCount
system.running.processesNumber of running processesCount memory in bytesCount I/O in bytes per secondCount of CPU I/OCount
system.cpu.percentPercentage of CPU usageCount
system.context.switches.per.secNumber of context switches per secondCount
system.memory.used.bytesUsed memory in bytesCount
system.disk.capacity.bytesDisk capacity in bytesCount


system.cpu.core.idle.percentThe percentage of time the CPU core is idleCount
system.cpu.core.percentThe percentage of time the CPU core is usedCount
system.cpu.core.user.percentThe percentage of time the CPU core is used by user processesCount
system.cpu.coreThe number of CPU coresCount percentage of time the CPU core is used for I/O operationsCount

HP-UX Disk

system.disk.volumeThe name of the system disk volumeString
system.disk.volume.capacity.bytesThe capacity of the system disk volume in bytesCount
system.disk.volume.used.bytesThe amount of used space on the system disk volume in bytesCount amount of free space on the system disk volume in bytesCount
system.disk.volume.used.percentThe percentage of used space on the system disk volumeCount percentage of free space on the system disk volumeCount
system.diskThe name of the system diskString
system.disk.bytes.per.secThe rate at which data is read from and written to the system disk in bytes per secondCount

HP-UX Process

system.process.idThe ID of the system process.Count
system.process.userThe user associated with the system process.String
system.process.cpu.percentThe percentage of CPU used by the system process.Count
system.process.uptime.secThe uptime of the system process in seconds.Count
system.process.commandThe command used to start the system process.String
system.process.memory.used.percentThe percentage of memory used by the system process.Count
system.processThe name of the system process.String
system.process.virtual.memory.bytesThe amount of virtual memory used by the system process.Count
system.process.uptimeThe uptime of the system process.String
system.process.memory.used.bytesThe amount of memory used by the system process.Count
statusThe status of the system process.String