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Windows RDP


Windows RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), the built-in remote desktop service on Windows-based systems, seamlessly integrates with Motadata AIOps to provide comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities. With this integration, organizations gain real-time visibility into the performance and health of their Windows RDP sessions and servers. Monitor critical RDP metrics such as connection latency, session duration, and server resource utilization to ensure efficient remote desktop access.

Supported Versions

Windows 2011
Windows 2012

Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows RDP Integration with Motadata AIOps

  • Obtain the server credentials required for discovering the Windows RDP server.

  • Ensure that the user has administrator privileges on the Windows RDP server.

  • Ensure that the Microsoft Windows RDP service is active and running on the server.

  • Confirm that the Microsoft Windows RDP process and service are listed in the process and service monitor settings of Motadata AIOps. While these may be listed by default, verify that the names of the service and process match the specific Microsoft Windows RDP version that you intend to monitor.

By meeting these prerequisites, you can integrate Microsoft Windows RDP with Motadata AIOps and enable effective monitoring and management of your Microsoft Windows RDP server.

List of Supported KPIs

windows.rdp.inactive.sessionsNumber of inactive RDP sessionsCount of active RDP sessionsCount
windows.rdp.sessionsTotal number of RDP sessionsCount
windows.rdp.session.userUsername of the user who is connected to the RDP sessionString
windows.rdp.session.idID of the RDP sessionString
windows.rdp.session.stateState of the RDP session (active, inactive, disconnected)String
windows.rdp.session.logon.timeTime when the RDP session was logged onString
windows.rdp.session.idle.time.minutesNumber of minutes since the RDP session was last activeString
windows.rdp.session.typeType of RDP session (console, remote)String
windows.rdp.session.deviceDevice that the RDP session is connected toString
windows.rdp.session.process.cpu.percentCPU usage of the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.virtual.memory.bytesVirtual memory usage of the RDP session processCount of page faults per second of the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.memory.bytesMemory usage of the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.threadsNumber of threads used by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.handlesNumber of handles used by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.processName of the RDP session processString
windows.rdp.session.process.protocol.brush.cache.hit.ratio.percentPercentage of brush cache hitsCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.wdbytesNumber of bytes written to the RDP session output streamCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.bytesTotal number of bytes written to the RDP session output streamCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.compression.ratio.percentPercentage of compression used for the RDP session output streamCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.transport.errorsNumber of transport errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.compressed.bytesNumber of bytes compressed by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.async.overrunsNumber of asynchronous overruns encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.timeoutsNumber of timeouts encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.bytesTotal number of bytes processed by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.async.parity.errorsNumber of asynchronous parity errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.async.parity.errorsNumber of parity errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.framesNumber of frames processed by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.transport.errorsNumber of transport errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.compressed.bytesNumber of bytes compressed by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.framesNumber of frames sent by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.transport.errorsNumber of transport errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.timeoutsNumber of timeouts encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.protocol.cache.hit.ratio.percentPercentage of cache hits for protocol dataCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.async.overrunsNumber of asynchronous overruns encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.errorsNumber of input errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.wdbytesNumber of bytes written to the RDP session process's output streamCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.async.overrunsNumber of asynchronous overruns encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.async.frame.errorsNumber of asynchronous frame errors encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.protocol.bitmap.cache.hit.ratio.percentPercentage of cache hits for bitmap dataCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.timeoutsNumber of timeouts encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.compression.ratio.percentPercentage of input data that was compressedCount
windows.rdp.session.process.output.async.overflowsNumber of asynchronous overflows encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.wdframesNumber of frames received by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.async.overflowsNumber of asynchronous overruns encountered by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.input.framesNumber of frames received by the RDP session processCount
windows.rdp.session.process.async.overflowsNumber of asynchronous overflows in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.input.wdframesNumber of input WD frames in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.input.wdbytesNumber of input WD bytes in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.output.wdframesNumber of output WD frames in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.output.async.frame.errorsNumber of errors in output async frame in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.errorsNumber of errors in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.protocol.glyph.cache.hit.ratio.percentCache hit ratio percentage for protocol glyph cache in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.output.async.parity.errorsNumber of errors in output async parity in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.compression.ratio.percentCompression ratio percentage in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.input.bytesNumber of input bytes in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.input.compressed.bytesNumber of input compressed bytes in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.output.errorsNumber of output errors in the Windows RDP session process.Count
windows.rdp.session.process.input.async.frame.errorsNumber of errors in input async frame in the Windows RDP session process.Count