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AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive and widely used cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. AWS offers a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage options, databases, networking, machine learning, and more. The platform is designed to help businesses scale and grow by providing flexible and reliable cloud-based solutions.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for Amazon ELB here. These are the same for any other AWS service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding AWS resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for AWS resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

AWS Autoscaling

aws.service.typeThe type of service in AWS.String
aws.regionThe region where the service is deployed.String
aws.serviceThe name of the service in AWS.String
aws.autoscalingThe autoscaling configuration in AWS.String
aws.instance.creation.timeThe creation time of the instance.String
aws.instance.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the instance in seconds.String type of health check for autoscaling.String
aws.availability.zoneThe availability zone where the service resides.String

AWS Cloudfront

aws.statusThe status of AWS CloudFront.String
aws.service.typeThe type of service in AWS.String
aws.regionThe region where the service is deployed.String
aws.serviceThe name of the service in AWS.String
aws.cloudfront.http.versionThe HTTP version used by CloudFront.String
aws.cloudfront.ipv6.enabledIndicates whether IPv6 is enabled in CloudFront.String
aws.cloudfrontThe CloudFront configuration in AWS.String
aws.cloudfront.domain.nameThe domain name associated with CloudFront.String
aws.cloudfront.last.modified.timeThe last modified time of CloudFront configuration.String

AWS Dynamo DB

aws.service.typeThe type of service in AWS.String
aws.regionThe region where the service is deployed.String
aws.serviceThe name of the service in AWS.String
aws.statusThe status of AWS DynamoDB.String
aws.dynamodb.table.size.bytesThe size of the DynamoDB table in bytes.Count
aws.dynamodbThe DynamoDB configuration in AWS.String
aws.dynamodb.db.nameThe name of the DynamoDB database.String
aws.instance.creation.timeThe creation time of the instance.String
aws.instance.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the instance in seconds.String


aws.service.typeThe type of service in AWS.String
aws.regionThe region where the service is deployed.String
aws.serviceThe name of the service in AWS.String
aws.ebsThe Elastic Block Store (EBS) configuration in AWS.String
aws.ebs.volume.attachment.statusThe status of the EBS volume attachment.String
aws.ebs.volume.typeThe type of the EBS volume.String
aws.stateThe state of the EBS volume.String
aws.availability.zoneThe availability zone of the EBS volume.String
aws.ebs.volume.snapshot.idThe ID of the snapshot associated with the EBS volume.String
aws.ebs.volume.size.bytesThe size of the EBS volume in bytes.Count
aws.ebs.volume.creation.timeThe creation time of the EBS volume.String
aws.ebs.volume.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the EBS volume in seconds.Count
aws.ebs.volume.ec2.instance.idThe ID of the EC2 instance associated with the EBS volume.String
aws.ebs.volume.attached.timeThe time when the EBS volume was attached to an EC2 instance.String
aws.ebs.volume.attached.time.secThe time when the EBS volume was attached in seconds.Count


aws.service.typeThe type of service in AWS.String
aws.regionThe region where the service is deployed.String
aws.serviceThe name of the service in AWS.String
aws.stateThe state of the EC2 instance.String
aws.availability.zoneThe availability zone of the EC2 instance.String
aws.ec2.instance.typeThe type of the EC2 instance.String
aws.ec2.instance.idThe ID of the EC2 instance.String
aws.ec2The EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) configuration in AWS.String
aws.ec2.monitoringThe monitoring status of the EC2 instance.String
aws.ec2.public.ip.addressThe public IP address of the EC2 instance.String
aws.ec2.public.dns.nameThe public DNS name of the EC2 instance.String
statusThe status of the EC2 instance.String

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

aws.serviceThe name of the AWS service.String
aws.service.typeThe type of the AWS service.String
aws.regionThe region where the AWS service is deployed.String
aws.elasticbeanstalk.stateThe state of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.String health status of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.String
aws.elasticbeanstalk.environment.idThe ID of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.String
aws.elasticbeanstalk.solution.stackThe solution stack used by the Elastic Beanstalk environment.String
aws.elasticbeanstalk.creation.timeThe creation time of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.String
aws.elasticbeanstalk.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the Elastic Beanstalk environment in seconds.Count
aws.elasticbeanstalkThe Elastic Beanstalk configuration in AWS.Count


aws.serviceThe name of the AWS service.String
aws.elbThe Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) configuration in AWS.String
aws.elb.vpc.idThe ID of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) associated with the ELB.String
aws.service.typeThe type of the AWS service.String
aws.regionThe region where the AWS service is deployed.String
aws.availability.zoneThe availability zone where the ELB is located.String
aws.elb.instance.creation.timeThe creation time of the ELB instance.String
aws.elb.instance.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the ELB instance in seconds.String
aws.stateThe state of the ELB.String
aws.elb.typeThe type of the ELB.String

AWS Lamba

aws.service.typeThe type of the AWS service.String
aws.regionThe AWS region where the service is deployed.String
aws.lambda.revision.idThe revision ID of the Lambda function.String
aws.serviceThe name of the AWS service.String
aws.lambda.runtime.environmentThe runtime environment of the Lambda function.String
aws.lambdaThe configuration of the Lambda function.String
aws.lambda.roleThe role assigned to the Lambda function.String
aws.lambda.versionThe version of the Lambda function.String
aws.lambda.memory.size.bytesThe memory size of the Lambda function in bytes.Count
aws.lambda.code.size.bytesThe size of the Lambda function's code in bytes.Count


aws.s3.bucketsNumber of S3 bucketsCount
aws.elasticbeanstalk.environmentsNumber of Elastic Beanstalk environmentsCount
aws.application.elb.instancesNumber of Application Load Balancer instancesCount
aws.stopped.ec2.instancesNumber of stopped EC2 instancesCount
aws.lambda.functionsNumber of Lambda functionsCount
aws.cloudfront.servicesNumber of CloudFront servicesCount
aws.autoscaling.groupsNumber of Auto Scaling groupsCount
aws.vpc.instancesNumber of VPC instancesCount
aws.rds.instancesNumber of RDS instancesCount
aws.dynamodb.tablesNumber of DynamoDB tablesCount
aws.sqs.queuesNumber of SQS queuesCount
aws.elb.instancesNumber of Classic Load Balancer instancesCount
aws.ec2.instancesNumber of EC2 instancesCount
aws.ebs.volumesNumber of EBS volumesCount
aws.running.ec2.instancesNumber of running EC2 instancesCount
aws.sns.topicsNumber of SNS topicsCount of Network Load Balancer instancesCount


aws.service.typeService Type of the AWS resourceString
aws.rds.instance.idID of the RDS instanceString
aws.rds.db.engine.nameName of the database engine usedString
aws.statusCurrent status of the AWS resourceString of allocated storage in bytesCount
aws.regionAWS Region where the resource is locatedString
aws.serviceName of the AWS serviceString
aws.rdsAWS RDS (Relational Database Service)String
aws.availability.zoneAvailability Zone where the resource is deployedString


aws.service.typeService Type of the AWS resourceString
aws.regionAWS Region where the resource is locatedString
aws.serviceName of the AWS serviceString
aws.s3AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)String
aws.s3.bucket.creation.timeCreation time of the S3 bucketString
aws.s3.bucket.creation.time.secondsCreation time of the S3 bucket in secondsCount
aws.locationLocation of the AWS resourceString


aws.service.typeService Type of the AWS resourceString
aws.regionAWS Region where the resource is locatedString
aws.serviceName of the AWS serviceString
aws.snsAWS SNS (Simple Notification Service)String


aws.service.typeService Type of the AWS resourceString
aws.regionAWS Region where the resource is locatedString
aws.serviceName of the AWS serviceString
aws.sqsAWS SQS (Simple Queue Service)String


aws.service.typeService Type of the AWS resourceString
aws.regionAWS Region where the resource is locatedString
aws.serviceName of the AWS serviceString
aws.vpcAWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)String
aws.vpc.dhcp.options.idID of the DHCP options set for the VPCString whether the VPC is the default VPC in the regionString
aws.vpc.stateState of the VPCString
aws.vpc.instance.tenancyTenancy of instances in the VPCString
aws.vpc.cidr.blockCIDR block associated with the VPCString