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Microsoft Azure SQL Database


Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a fully-managed, cloud-based relational database service provided by Microsoft Azure. It is built on the Microsoft SQL Server database engine and offers a scalable and high-performance solution for hosting SQL databases in the Azure cloud environment.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for Azure SQL DB here. These are the same for any other Azure service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding Azure resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for Azure resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

azure.sql.database.serverServer of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.elastic.pool.nameElastic Pool Name of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.creation.time.secondsCreation Time in seconds for the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.statusStatus of the SQL DatabaseString Size in bytes for the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.locationLocation of the SQL DatabaseString
statusStatus of the SQL DatabaseString Group ID of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.earliest.restore.dateEarliest Restore Date of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.creation.timeCreation Time for the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.server.fqdnServer FQDN of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.idID of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.replication.linksReplication Links of the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.sql.database.resource.groupResource Group of the SQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.databaseSQL DatabaseString
azure.sql.database.cpu.percentAverage CPU usage percentage of the SQL DatabasePercent percentage of physical data read for the SQL DatabasePercent percentage of log write for the SQL DatabasePercent
azure.sql.database.successful.connectionsTotal count of successful connections to the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.sql.database.failed.connectionsTotal count of failed connections to the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.sql.database.firewall.blocked.connectionsTotal count of connections blocked by the firewall for the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.sql.database.deadlocksTotal count of deadlocks encountered in the SQL DatabaseCount percentage of storage used for in-memory OLTP in the SQL DatabasePercent
azure.sql.database.worker.utilization.percentAverage percentage of worker utilization in the SQL DatabasePercent
azure.sql.database.session.utilization.percentAverage percentage of session utilization in the SQL DatabasePercent
event.timestampTimestamp of the eventCount allocated data storage in bytes for the SQL DatabaseBytes used data storage in bytes for the SQL DatabaseBytes percentage of used data storage for the SQL DatabasePercent
azure.sql.database.dtu.limitAverage DTU limit for the SQL DatabaseCount
azure.sql.database.dtu.utilization.percentAverage DTU utilization percentage for the SQL DatabasePercent
azure.sql.database.used.dtuAverage used DTU for the SQL DatabaseCount