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Windows RDP


Integrating with Windows RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), Motadata AIOps enhances the monitoring and management capabilities for remote access to Windows-based systems, facilitating efficient remote administration and troubleshooting.

With Windows RDP integration, Motadata AIOps can monitor and track the usage of remote desktop sessions. It provides real-time visibility into active sessions, session duration, and user login/logout events, enabling you to monitor user activity and ensure secure remote access to Windows systems.

By leveraging this integration, you can gather performance metrics such as connection latency, bandwidth usage, and session responsiveness. Monitoring these metrics helps you identify potential connectivity issues, network bottlenecks, or resource constraints that can impact the user experience during remote desktop sessions.

Additionally, your AIOps product can monitor the health and availability of the Windows RDP service. It enables you to detect RDP service failures, authentication issues, or security-related events, empowering you to take proactive measures to maintain reliable and secure remote access to Windows systems.

Moreover, your AIOps product can generate alerts and notifications based on predefined thresholds or anomalies detected within the Windows RDP environment. This enables you to receive timely notifications about critical events, such as failed login attempts, excessive session latency, or unauthorized access attempts, allowing you to take immediate action to maintain the security and accessibility of your Windows systems.


Refer Adding network devices for monitoring to understand the prerequisites necessary for monitoring a network device.

Supported Versions

Windows 2011
Windows 2012

List of Supported KPIs

ping.min.latency.msMinimum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
ping.received.packetsNumber of packets received during pingCount
ping.lost.packetsNumber of packets lost during pingCount
ping.max.latency.msMaximum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
object.targetTarget object identifierString
ping.sent.packetsNumber of packets sent during pingCount
ping.packet.lost.percentPercentage of packet loss during pingPercent
ping.latency.msAverage latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
system.oidSystem Object IdentifierString
started.time.secUptime in Seconds for the monitorCount
started.timeUptime of the monitorString
object.nameName of the monitorString
system.locationLocation of the monitorString
system.descriptionDescription of the monitorString
correlation.metricsCorrelation metrics between network connectionsString
network.connection.tcp.connectionsNumber of TCP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.connectionsNumber of UDP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.error.segmentsNumber of UDP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.error.segmentsNumber of TCP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.retransmitted.segmentsNumber of TCP retransmitted segmentsCount
destination.ipDestination IP addressString
destination.portDestination port numberCount
network.connection.protocolProtocol used for network connectionCount
network.connection.stateState of the network connectionString
source.ipSource IP addressString
source.portSource port numberCount
interface.sent.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets sent on the interfaceCount of incoming packets on the interfaceCount
interface.packetsNumber of packets on the interfaceCount
interface.error.packetsNumber of error packets on the interfaceCount
interface.sent.error.packetsNumber of error packets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.received.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.received.octetsNumber of octets received on the interfaceCount
interface.bit.typeBit type of the interfaceCount
statusStatus of the interfaceString
interface.out.packetsNumber of outgoing packets on the interfaceCount
interface.operational.statusOperational status of the interfaceString
interface.admin.statusAdmin status of the interfaceCount
interface.sent.octetsNumber of octets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.last.changeLast change of the interfaceString
interface.received.error.packetsNumber of error packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets on the interfaceCount
started.timeUptime of the interfaceString
started.time.secUptime in seconds of the interfaceString