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Juniper Router, the reliable and high-performance router solutions by Juniper Networks, seamlessly integrate with Motadata AIOps to provide comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities. With this integration, organizations gain real-time visibility into the performance and health of their Juniper Routers. Monitor critical router metrics such as interface utilization, routing table status, and packet forwarding to ensure smooth and efficient network routing.


Refer Adding network devices for monitoring to understand the prerequisites necessary for monitoring a network device.

List of Supported KPIs

ping.min.latency.msMinimum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
ping.received.packetsNumber of packets received during pingCount
ping.lost.packetsNumber of packets lost during pingCount
ping.max.latency.msMaximum latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
object.targetTarget object identifierString
ping.sent.packetsNumber of packets sent during pingCount
ping.packet.lost.percentPercentage of packet loss during pingPercent
ping.latency.msAverage latency (in milliseconds) observed during pingCount
system.oidSystem Object IdentifierString
started.time.secUptime in Seconds for the monitorCount
started.timeUptime of the monitorString
object.nameName of the monitorString
system.locationLocation of the monitorString
system.descriptionDescription of the monitorString
correlation.metricsCorrelation metrics between network connectionsString
network.connection.tcp.connectionsNumber of TCP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.connectionsNumber of UDP connectionsCount
network.connection.udp.error.segmentsNumber of UDP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.error.segmentsNumber of TCP error segmentsCount
network.connection.tcp.retransmitted.segmentsNumber of TCP retransmitted segmentsCount
destination.ipDestination IP addressString
destination.portDestination port numberCount
network.connection.protocolProtocol used for network connectionCount
network.connection.stateState of the network connectionString
source.ipSource IP addressString
source.portSource port numberCount
interface.sent.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets sent on the interfaceCount of incoming packets on the interfaceCount
interface.packetsNumber of packets on the interfaceCount
interface.error.packetsNumber of error packets on the interfaceCount
interface.sent.error.packetsNumber of error packets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.received.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.received.octetsNumber of octets received on the interfaceCount
interface.bit.typeBit type of the interfaceCount
statusStatus of the interfaceString
interface.out.packetsNumber of outgoing packets on the interfaceCount
interface.operational.statusOperational status of the interfaceString
interface.admin.statusAdmin status of the interfaceCount
interface.sent.octetsNumber of octets sent on the interfaceCount
interface.last.changeLast change of the interfaceString
interface.received.error.packetsNumber of error packets received on the interfaceCount
interface.discard.packetsNumber of discarded packets on the interfaceCount
started.timeUptime of the interfaceString
started.time.secUptime in seconds of the interfaceString
system.cpu.percentThe CPU utilization percentage of the device.percentage
system.memory.used.percentThe percentage of memory used in the device.percentage
fan.sensorThe fan sensor status.string
fan.sensor.statusThe status of the fan sensor (e.g., Running, Ready, Down).string power supply sensor status.string status of the power supply sensor (e.g., Running, Down, Standby).string
juniper.fpcThe status of the Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPC) in the device.string
juniper.fpc.stateThe state of the FPC (e.g., Running, Ready, Down).string
juniper.fpc.temperature.reading.celsiusThe temperature reading of the FPC in degrees Celsius.count
juniper.fruThe status of the Field Replaceable Units (FRU) in the device.string
juniper.fru.typeThe type of the FRU (e.g., Clock Generator, Switching Forwarding Module).string
juniper.fru.stateThe state of the FRU (e.g., Present, Online, Offline).string
juniper.fru.temperature.celsiusThe temperature of the FRU in degrees Celsius.count
juniper.fru.uptimeThe uptime of the FRU in seconds.count
juniper.fru.chassisThe chassis of the FRU.string
juniper.fru.chassis.descriptionDescription of the FRU chassis.string
juniper.routing.engine.1.cpu.percentThe CPU utilization percentage of Routing Engine 1.percentage
juniper.routing.engine.2.cpu.percentThe CPU utilization percentage of Routing Engine 2.percentage
juniper.routing.engine.1.memory.used.percentThe percentage of memory used in Routing Engine 1.percentage
juniper.routing.engine.2.memory.used.percentThe percentage of memory used in Routing Engine 2.percentage
juniper.routing.engine.1.temperature.reading.celciusThe temperature reading of Routing Engine 1 in degrees Celsius.count
juniper.routing.engine.2.temperature.reading.celciusThe temperature reading of Routing Engine 2 in degrees Celsius.count
juniper.virtual.chassisThe virtual chassis identifier.string
juniper.virtual.chassis.roleThe role of the device in the virtual chassis (e.g., Master, Backup, Linecard).string
juniper.virtual.chassis.mac.addressThe MAC address of the virtual chassis.string
juniper.virtual.chassis.versionThe version of the virtual chassis.string
juniper.virtual.chassis.priorityThe priority of the device in the virtual chassis.count
juniper.virtual.chassis.started.time.secondsThe time since the virtual chassis started in seconds.count
juniper.virtual.chassis.modelThe model of the virtual chassis.string
juniper.virtual.chassis.locationThe location of the virtual chassis.string
system.modelThe model of the SNMP device.string
system.serial.noThe serial number of the SNMP device.string
bgp.peerThe BGP peer identifier or name.String
bgp.peer.remote.asThe remote AS number associated with the BGP peer.Count
bgp.peer.statusThe status of the BGP peer (e.g., up, down).String
bgp.local.peer.addressThe local IP address of the BGP peer.String
bgp.remote.peer.addressThe remote IP address of the BGP peer.String
bgp.peer.timeThe time when the BGP peer was established.String
bgp.peer.updated.timeThe time when the BGP peer status was last updated.String
isis.neighbour.last.up.timeThe last time the ISIS neighbour came up.String
isis.neighbour.hold.timeThe hold time of the ISIS neighbour.String
isis.neighbour.system.typeThe system type of the ISIS neighbour.String
isis.neighbour.3way.stateThe 3-way state of the ISIS neighbour.String
isis.neighbour.stateThe state of the ISIS neighbour.String
isis.neighbourThe identifier or name of the ISIS neighbour.String
isis.neighbour.protocolThe protocol used by the ISIS neighbour.String
ospf.neighbour.remote.asThe remote AS number associated with the OSPF neighbour.String
ospf.neighbour.statusThe status of the OSPF neighbour (e.g., up, down).String
ospf.neighbourThe identifier or name of the OSPF neighbour.String
ip.routeThe IP route entry.String
ip.route.subnet.maskThe subnet mask associated with the IP route.String
ip.route.last.updated.secThe time in seconds since the IP route was last updated.Count
ip.route.protocolThe routing protocol associated with the IP route.String
ip.route.metricThe metric value of the IP route.String
ip.route.typeThe type of IP route (e.g., static, dynamic).String next-hop IP address for the IP route.String
ip.route.last.updatedThe last time the IP route was updated.String
ip.routing.typeThe type of IP routing (e.g., unicast, multicast).String
ip.route.interface.indexThe index of the network interface associated with the IP route.Count