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Cisco Meraki


The Cisco Meraki integration facilitates detailed monitoring of Cisco Meraki elements, including Switch, Radios, Cellular Gateways, and Controller. This integration helps IT operations professionals maintain the health and performance of their Cisco Meraki infrastructure.


List of Supported KPIs

Cisco Meraki

cisco.meraki.client.errorsThis metric represents the total number of errors encountered by clients connected to the Meraki network.Count
cisco.meraki.clientsThis metric shows the total number of client devices currently connected to the Meraki network.Count
cisco.meraki.connected.uplinksThis metric represents the total number of operational uplinks connected to the Meraki network.Count
cisco.meraki.disconnected.uplinksThis metric indicates the total number of non-functional/ disconnected uplinks on the Meraki network.Count
cisco.meraki.licensesThis shows the total number of licenses across all the networks on the infrastructure.Count
cisco.meraki.networksThis metric represents the total number of networks connected.Count
cisco.meraki.offline.devicesThis metric indicates the number of offline Meraki devices.Count metric represents the number of online Meraki devices.Count
cisco.meraki.server.errorsThis metric shows the total number of errors enncountered by the servers.Count

Cisco Meraki Channel

cisco.meraki.channelThis metric shows the list of channels available on the Meraki network.String metric represents the utilzation percentage of WiFi channels.Count metric indicates the utilization percentage of non WiFi channels.Count

Cisco Meraki Client

cisco.meraki.clientThis metric shows all Meraki clients connected to the network.String
cisco.meraki.client.statusThis metric displays the status of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.mac.addressThis metric represents MAC address of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.ip.addressThis metric indicates IP address of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.userThis metric shows all the users connected to the Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.manufacturerThis metric displays the manufacturer of a Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.osThis metric indicates the operating system of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.ssidThis metric displays SSID of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.vlansThis metric indicates the number of VLANs associated with the Meraki client.Count
cisco.meraki.client.sent.bytes.per.secThis metric represents bytes sent per second from a Meraki client.Count
cisco.meraki.client.received.bytes.per.secThis metric shows the bytes received per second on a Meraki client.Count
cisco.meraki.client.ipv6.addressThis metric indicates IPv6 address of the Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.descriptionThis metric displays the configured description of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.first.seenThis metric indicates the time when the Meraki client was first seen on the network.String
cisco.meraki.client.last.seenThis metric indicates the time when the Meraki client was last seen.String
cisco.meraki.client.switch.portThis metric represent the information regarding the switch port of Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.vlan.nameThis metric displays the names of all VLAN associated with the Meraki client.String
cisco.meraki.client.device.connectionThis metric represents connections associated with Meraki client.String

Cisco Meraki Interface

cisco.meraki.interfaceThis metric displays list of all interfaces.String
cisco.meraki.interface.statusThis metric represents the status of the Interface.String
cisco.meraki.interface.ip.addressThis metric shows the IP address of the Interface.String
cisco.meraki.interface.gatewayThis metric displays the gateway details of the Interface.String
cisco.meraki.interface.public.ip.addressThis metric shows the public IP address for an Interface.String
cisco.meraki.interface.networkThis metric shows the network(s) associated with the Interface.String
cisco.meraki.interface.sent.bytes.per.secThis metric displays the volume of bytes sent per second from the Interface.Count
cisco.meraki.interface.received.bytes.per.secThis metric displays the volume of bytes received per second on the Interface.Count

Cisco Meraki Network

cisco.meraki.networkThis metric represents all networks connected to the Meraki infrastructure.String metric displays total number of devices connected to Meraki network.Count metric shows total number of offline devices on the Meraki network.Count metric displays the total number of online devices on the Meraki network.Count metris indicates the total number of dormant devices on the Meraki network.Count metric displays the total number of alerts on all devices connected to the network.Count metric indicates the total number of clients present on the network.Count metric displays the total number of clients having high usage on the network.Count

Cisco Meraki Radio

NameDescriptionType metric displays the status of Meraki Radio.String metric shows the number of bands available on Meraki Radio.Count metric represents the network ID of Meraki Radio.String metric indicates the MAC address of Meraki Radio.String metric displays the model of Meraki Radio.String metric indicates the public IP address of Meraki Radio.String metric displays the volume of upload data in bytes per second.Count metric displays the volume of download data in bytes per second.Count metric displays the average volume of data transfer in bytes per second.Count metric displays the total number of clients associated with Meraki Radio.Count

Cisco Meraki Security

NameDescriptionType metric displays the status of Meraki Security.String metric represents performance score of Meraki Security.Count metric indicates the number of power supply slots.Count metric displays the number for uplinks.Count metric displays the MAC address.String metric indicates the Public IP address.String metric shows the network ID.String metric displays the model information of Meraki Security.String metric indicates the information regarding the power supply slot.String metric displays the power supply status.String metric reprsents the power supply usage in watts.Count metric shows the power supply serial number.Count metric will display the model of power supply.Count

Cisco Meraki SSID

cisco.meraki.ssidThis metric displays the unique SSID.String
cisco.meraki.ssid.nameThis metric shows the name associated with a SSID.String
cisco.meraki.ssid.enabledThis metric displays all the enabled SSIDs.String
cisco.meraki.ssid.advertisedThis metric shows all the SSIDs that are being currently advertised.String
cisco.meraki.ssid.bandsThis metric displays bands of Meraki SSID.Count
cisco.meraki.ssid.channelsThis metric indicates the channels associated with SSID(s).Count metric diplays the channel width in hertz.Count
cisco.meraki.ssid.power.dbmThis metric shows the current power transmission range.Count

Cisco Meraki Subnet

cisco.meraki.subnetThis metric displays the configured subnet.String
cisco.meraki.subnet.vlan.idThis metric shows the unique VLAN identifier.String
cisco.meraki.subnet.usedThis metric indicates the subnets that are being used currently.Count
cisco.meraki.subnet.freeThis metric displays unused subnets.Count

Cisco Meraki Switch

cisco.meraki.switch.statusThis metric displays the current status of Meraki Switch.String
cisco.meraki.switch.uplinksThis metric shows the total number of uplinks of Meraki Switch.Count
cisco.meraki.switch.portsThis metric indicates the total number of ports available on Meraki Switch.Count metric indicates the total number of power supply slots.Count metric indicates the unique network identifier of Meraki Switch on the network.String
cisco.meraki.switch.mac.addressThis metric displays the MAC address of Meraki Switch.String
cisco.meraki.switch.public.ip.addressThis metric displays the public IP address of Meraki Switch.String
cisco.meraki.switch.modelThis metric shows the model name of Meraki Switch.String
cisco.meraki.switch.power.supplyPower SupplyString metric displays the current status of power supply.String metric shows the current usage of power supply in watts.Count metric indicates the serial number of the power supply unit.String metric display model name of the power supplyString

Cisco Meraki VLAN

cisco.meraki.vlanThis metric displays the VLAN ID.String
cisco.meraki.vlan.nameThis specifies the configured name of the VLAN.String
cisco.meraki.vlan.interfaceVLAN InterfaceString
cisco.meraki.vlan.statusThis shows the operational status of the VLAN.String

Cisco Meraki Ethernet

cisco.meraki.ethernetThis metric displays the ethernet name.String
cisco.meraki.ethernet.speed.bytes.per.secThis metric displays the bytes per second speed supported by Ethernet.Count
cisco.meraki.ethernet.duplexThis metric indicates the duplex mode of Ethernet.String
cisco.meraki.ethernet.poe.standardThis metric displays the PoE standard of Meraki Ethernet.String

Cisco Meraki STP

cisco.meraki.stpThis metric stores the STP port ID.String
cisco.meraki.stp.stateThis metric displays the current state of STP.String
cisco.meraki.stp.statusThis metric indicates the current status of the STP.String
cisco.meraki.stp.typeThis metric displays the type of STP configured.String
cisco.meraki.stp.vlanThis metric displays the total number of VLANs.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.voice.vlansThis metric indicates the total number of voice VLANs.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.enabledThis metric displays all STPs that are currently enabled.String
cisco.meraki.stp.uplinkedThis metric displays STPs in the uplink state.String
cisco.meraki.stp.speed.bytes.per.secThis metric displays the bytes per second speed.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.duplexThis metric displays the type of duplex configuration.String
cisco.meraki.stp.used.bytes.per.secThis metric shows the volume of used bytes per second.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.sent.bytes.per.secThis metric shows the volume of send bytes per second.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.received.bytes.per.secThis metric shows the volume of received bytes per second.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.poe.allocatedThis metric displays PoE allocated STP.String
cisco.meraki.stp.clientsThis metric displays the total count of clients associated with STP.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.power.usage.wattsThis metric shows the power usage in watts.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.traffic.bytes.per.secThis metric indicate the volume of total traffic in bytes per second.Count metric displays the volume of incoming traffic in bytes per second.Count
cisco.meraki.stp.out.traffic.bytes.per.secThis metric shows the volume of outgoing traffic in bytes per second.Count

Cisco Meraki VPN

cisco.meraki.vpnVPN in the Cisco Meraki networkString of the VPN networkString of the VPN networkString of the peer VPN networkString of the peer VPN networkString
cisco.meraki.vpn.sender.uplinkUplink of the VPN senderString
cisco.meraki.vpn.receiver.uplinkUplink of the VPN receiverString
cisco.meraki.vpn.average.latency.msAverage latency of the VPN in millisecondsCount
cisco.meraki.vpn.loss.percentPacket loss percentage of the VPNCount
cisco.meraki.vpn.average.jitter.msAverage jitter of the VPN in millisecondsCount
cisco.meraki.vpn.average.mosAverage Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of the VPNCount
cisco.meraki.vpn.received.bytes.per.secBytes received per second on the VPNCount
cisco.meraki.vpn.sent.bytes.per.secBytes sent per second on the VPNCount