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Microsoft Azure


Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure, is a cloud computing platform and set of services provided by Microsoft. It offers a comprehensive suite of cloud services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) options. Azure allows organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications and services across a global network of data centers.


You can check the list of prerequisites required for Azure Application Gateway here. These are the same for any other Azure service that you need to monitor using AIOps. Move to the section Adding Azure resources for Monitoring on the above link to view the prerequisites for Azure resource monitoring.

List of Supported KPIs

Microsoft Azure Application Gateway

azure.sku.nameSKU NameString
azure.locationLocation of the Azure resourceString
azure.typeType of the Azure resourceString
azure.application.gatewayAzure Application GatewayString
azure.provisioning.stateProvisioning state of the Azure resourceString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the Azure serviceString
azure.serviceAzure service nameString
azure.etagEtag (entity tag) of the Azure resourceString
azure.nameName of the Azure resourceString
azure.application.gateway.subscriptionSubscription associated with the Application GatewayString
azure.service.typeType of the Azure serviceString

Microsoft Azure CDN

azure.locationLocation of the Azure resourceString
azure.typeType of the Azure resourceString
statusStatus of the CDNString
azure.service.typeType of the Azure serviceString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the Azure serviceString
azure.serviceAzure service nameString
azure.cdn.subscriptionSubscription associated with the CDNString
azure.nameName of the Azure resourceString
azure.statusAzure StatusString

Microsoft Azure CosmosDB

NameDescriptionType DB read locationsString
azure.locationLocation of the Azure resourceString
azure.typeType of the Azure resourceString
azure.provisioning.stateProvisioning state of the Azure resourceString
azure.service.typeType of the Azure serviceString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the Azure serviceString
azure.serviceAzure service nameString
azure.cosmos.db.region.idCosmos DB region IDString
azure.cosmos.db.write.locationsCosmos DB write locationsString
azure.cosmos.db.subscriptionSubscription associated with the Cosmos DBString
azure.cosmos.db.document.endpointCosmos DB document endpointString
azure.cosmos.dbCosmos DBString

Microsoft Azure Functions

azure.functionAzure FunctionString
azure.locationLocation of the Azure resourceString
azure.typeType of the Azure resourceString App subscriptionString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the Azure serviceString
azure.serviceAzure service nameString
azure.statusAzure statusString
azure.nameName of the Azure resourceString
statusStatus of the Azure resourceString
azure.service.typeType of the Azure serviceString

Microsoft Azure Load Balancer

azure.sku.nameSKU name of the load balancerString
azure.locationGeographic location of the resourceString
azure.typeType of the load balancerString
azure.loadbalancer.subscriptionSubscription associated with the load balancerString
azure.provisioning.stateCurrent provisioning state of the load balancerString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the load balancerString
azure.serviceService name of the load balancerString
azure.etagEtag (entity tag) of the load balancerString
azure.nameName of the load balancerString
azure.loadbalancerAzure Load BalancerString
azure.service.typeType of service associated with the load balancerString

Microsoft Azure

azure.functionsCount of Azure FunctionsCount
azure.vmscaleset.instancesCount of VM Scale Set InstancesCount
azure.webappsCount of WebAppsCount
azure.sql.databasesCount of SQL DatabasesCount
azure.cosmosdb.instancesCount of CosmosDB InstancesCount
azure.vmsCount of VMsCount
azure.application.gateway.instancesCount of Application Gateway InstancesCount
azure.servicebus.instancesCount of Service Bus InstancesCount
azure.cdn.profilesCount of CDN ProfilesCount of Storage AccountsCount
azure.loadbalancer.instancesCount of LoadBalancer InstancesCount

Azure SQL Database

azure.sql.database.server.fqdnSQL Database Server FQDNString
azure.locationLocation of the SQL databaseString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the SQL databaseString
azure.serviceService associated with the SQL databaseString
azure.statusStatus of the Azure SQL databaseString
azure.nameName of the Azure SQL database instanceString
statusStatus of the SQL database instanceString
azure.service.typeType of the Azure SQL databaseString
azure.sql.database.creation.timeCreation time of the SQL databaseString
azure.sql.database.creation.time.secondsCreation time of the SQL database in secondsString
azure.sql.database.serverSQL Database ServerString
azure.sql.database.subscriptionSubscription associated with the SQL databaseString
azure.sql.databaseSQL DatabaseString size of the SQL database in bytesString
azure.sql.database.earliest.restore.dateEarliest restore date of the SQL databaseString

Microsoft Azure Storage

NameDescriptionType of the storageString of the storageString time of the storageString
azure.provisioning.stateProvisioning state of the storageString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the storageString
azure.serviceService associated with the storageString time of the storage in secondsString
azure.service.typeType of the storage serviceString of the storageString
azure.storageStorage nameString

Microsoft Azure VM

azure.locationLocation of the virtual machineString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the virtual machineString
azure.serviceService associated with the virtual machineString
azure.service.typeType of the virtual machineString
azure.sku.nameSKU name of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.private.ip.addressPrivate IP address of the virtual machineString
azure.provisioning.stateProvisioning state of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.sizeSize of the virtual machineString name of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.public.ip.addressPublic IP address of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.subscriptionSubscription of the virtual machineString
azure.typeType of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.os.diskOS disk information of the virtual machineString
azure.vm.publisherPublisher of the virtual machineString
azure.vmVirtual machine nameString
azure.vm.os.typeOperating system type of the virtual machineString
statusStatus of the virtual machineString
azure.statusAzure status of the virtual machineString

Microsoft Azure VM Scaleset

azure.locationLocation of the VM scale setString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the VM scale setString
azure.serviceService associated with the VM scale setString
azure.service.typeType of the VM scale setString
azure.vmscaleset.subscriptionSubscription of the VM scale setString
azure.sku.nameSKU name of the VM scale setString
azure.vmscalesetVM scale set nameString

Microsoft Azure Web App

azure.webappWeb App nameString
azure.locationLocation of the Web AppString
azure.webapp.subscriptionSubscription of the Web AppString
azure.service.resource.groupResource group of the Web AppString
azure.serviceService associated with the Web AppString
azure.webapp.default.hostDefault host of the Web AppString
azure.statusAzure statusString
azure.service.typeType of the serviceString

Microsoft Azure Service Bus

azure.servicebusThe name of the Azure Service Bus instance.String
azure.locationThe location where the Service Bus instance is deployed.String
azure.servicebus.creation.timeThe creation time of the Service Bus instance.String
azure.service.resource.groupThe resource group of the Service Bus instance.String
azure.serviceThe service associated with the Service Bus instance.String
azure.statusThe status of the Azure service.String
azure.nameThe name of the Service Bus.String
statusThe status of the service.String
azure.service.typeThe type of the Azure service.String
azure.servicebus.creation.time.secondsThe creation time of the Service Bus instance in seconds.String
azure.servicebus.subscriptionThe subscription of the Service Bus instance.String
azure.sku.nameThe SKU name of the Service Bus instance.String
azure.typeThe type of the Azure resource.String