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Custom Performance Reports

The custom performance report enables you to monitor the performance metrics of your infrastructure components based on your specific requirements. This report provides detailed insights into the performance characteristics of selected counters, allowing you to track key metrics and analyze trends over time.

Select the data to be displayed on the report

To create a custom performance report, follow the steps below and configure the fields according to your monitoring needs:

Widget TypeSelect the type of widget you want to view in the report, such as a Chart, Grid, or Top N. This determines the visualization format for the performance data.
CounterChoose the counter for which you want to create the performance report. This defines the specific performance metric you want to monitor, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, or network traffic.
AggregationUse this option to apply Aggreagate function on all the available polling values. Refer Select the Aggregate function to understand more about the Aggregation function.
Source FilterNarrow down the scope of the monitors that you want to include in the report by selecting either Monitor, Group, or Tag from the dropdown. This helps you focus on specific subset of monitors based on your selection.
SourceSelect the specific monitors, groups, or tags to include in the report. Based on the selection made in the previous field, this dropdown will display relevant options to narrow down the source of data for the report. For example, if you selected Monitor in the previous field, the Source dropdown will display a list of all available monitors for you to select from.
Result BySelect the criteria for grouping the performance data. Refer Select how the counters are grouped on the widget to understand more about the Result By function.
FiltersUse additional filters to further refine the dataset included in the report.

By configuring these fields, you can create a custom performance report tailored to your organization's monitoring requirements, enabling you to gain insights into the performance status of your infrastructure.

Select how the data will be displayed on the report

Select Chart Type

Here, you can select multiple chart types which include the following:

  • Area Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Horizontal Bar Chart
  • Vertical Bar Chart
  • Stacked Area Chart
  • Stacked Line Chart
  • Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart
  • Stacked Vertical Bar Chart

You can chose any of these multiple chart types to specify how the chart will be visualised on the widget.

Chart Legend

You can enable/disable the display of chart legend on the widget using the Legend toggle button.

X-axis Title/Y-axis Title/Z-axis Title

You can display the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis title on the chart widget by using the X-Axis Title, Y-Axis Title, and Z-Axis Title toggle button respectively. You can then enter the title of the respective axis in the field besides the toogle button.

Changing the angle of the X-Axis Title

You can change the angle of the X-Axis Title in case there are multiple points on the X-Axis and they are not clearly legible. Enter the angle of rotation in the Rotation field to change the angle of the X-Axis.

Changing Line Width

You can adjust the line width of the chart to control the thickness of the lines in your data visualization. A thicker line can make the data more prominent and easier to distinguish.

Adjust the slider titled Line Width to get the desired line width value. A higher value will result in thicker lines, while a lower value will make the lines thinner.

Changing Data Granularity

Granularity refers to how data points are spaced on the chart widget, affecting the level of detail in your visualization. You can adjust the granularity to show data points at different intervals.

Enter a custom value of Granularity to define how far apart two consecutive data points are located on the chart.


the minimum granularity allowed is equal to the polling time for the specific metric of the device. If you enter a granularity value less than the polling time, it will automatically adjust to the polling time to ensure accurate representation of the data.

Adjusting the data granularity allows you to tailor the level of detail in your chart to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your data is presented in the most meaningful way for your analysis.

Sorting Data Points

You can sort data points on the widget to highlight specific information or trends based on the available fields. Choose one of the following sorting options:

TopUse this option to sort data points in descending order based on the highest values. This is helpful when you want to focus on the most critical data or the top performers.
LastSelect this option to sort data points such that the datapoints with the lowest values appear first.
CountSpecify the count of datapoints that you wish to view on the widget.