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Configuration to ingest Flow

In this section, we will discuss some of the configuration options available for flow settings in AIOps.

Go to the Main Menu, Select Settings . After that, go to Flow . Select Flow Settings.

Flow Settings Screen

In this section, you can configure the flow settings so that AIOps is able to ingest the flow data that you send to the AIOps server. In order to view flow data of a device in flow explorer, the device must be configured to push the data to Motadata AIOps server.

The following configuration options are available on the screen:

sFlow PortSpecify the port number to which you will send the sFlow data so that AIOps is able to ingest the data and categorise the flow as sFlow in Flow Explorer. This is set to 6343 by default.
Netflow PortSpecify the port number to which you will send the Netflow data so that AIOps is able to ingest the data and categorise the flow as Netflow in Flow Explorer. This is set to 2055 by default
Aggregation Time(Min)Enter the time period(in Mins) in which the polling values will be aggregated for the metric you select in the Flow Explorer tool. This is set to 5 minutes by default.
sFlow v5 Traffic Direction

- Select Ingress if the flow that you receive on the sFlow port is Ingress.

- Select Egress if the flow that you receive on the sFlow port is Egress.

In this way, you can send flow data to AIOps by configuring the port numbers for flow ingestion and sending the flow data from your devices on these configured ports.

Custom Application or Domain Name Mapping

You can define domain names based on the source of the flow data. This enables you to analyse the flow data related to specific domain name i.e., gain insights into how much bandwidth is being used by a particular IP group/Domain and by which user. You can also use the flow explorer to gain many more insights as per your requirement.

Go to the Main Menu, Select Settings . After that, go to Flow . Select IP/IP Range Settings.

IP/IP Range Settings Screen

Click on the Create IP/IP Range button to create a record for mapping an IP/IP Range to a domain name or a group name.

Enter the IP or the IP range in the IP/IP Range column and the name that you want to assign to the IP(s) in the IP Group/Domain Name column. This creates a mapping of the IP(s) you have specified with the domain name you assigned to it.

Now, the same domain name will be displayed in the flow diagram instead of simply displaying an IP address whenever flow data comes from the IP(s) specified above.