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File and Directory Monitoring


Motadata enables you to monitor a file or a directory from a monitor (in this case, the monitor would be a server, whether virtual or non-virtual).

The metrics related to a file or a directory can be made available for monitoring by adding its path to the File/Directory Monitor Settings and then running discovery through Rediscover Settings.

When you run a rediscovery for File/Directory, any paths that you have added in the File/Directory Settings section will be discovered and monitored for the selected monitors.

Go to Menu, Select Settings . After that, Go to Monitoring . Select File/Directory Monitor Settings to display the list of all the processes in the system.

File/Directory List

The File/Directory Monitor Settings displays the following fields:

PathThe path of the file/directory that can be monitored.
TypeIndicates whether the path belongs to a File or a Directory.
OS Type

The type of operating system to which the File or the Directory belongs. This is further categorized into the following:

- Windows

- Linux



Select to display permissible actions on the File/Directory. The following actions are available:

- Edit File/Directory: Select this button to edit the file/directory.

- Delete File/Directory: Select this button to delete the file/directory.

How to add a new File or Directory for monitoring?

Select the button. A new entry is created in the File/Directory list.

Enter the following details to add a File/Directory for monitoring:

PathEnter the path of the directory or the file that you want to monitor.
TypeSelect whether you want to monitor a File or a Directory.
OS TypeSelect the operating system of the monitor to which the file or the directory belongs.

Select to add the path to the list for monitoring.

Select if you do not wish to add the path to the list for monitoring.