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Nutanix VM

  • version: 1.0
  • Compatibility: v 7.5.500
  • Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), SSL Enabled (Mandatory), Username (Optional), Password (Optional), Metric Collection Interval (Mandatory)
  • Operation: Collects information from switch devices.


Nutanix VM Overview

  • Plugin-Metrics:
MetricData Type
Total Disk Capacity (MB)Numeric
Memory Capacity (MB)Numeric
Memory Reserved Capacity (MB)Numeric
Number of VCPUsNumeric
Number of Network AdaptersNumeric
Cluster NameString
Cluster UUIDString
Cluster IPString
Hypervisor TypeString
Memory Usage (%)Numeric
Hypervisor Memory Usage (%)Numeric
VM NameString
VM Power StateString
Guest OSString
IP AddressesString
Host NameString
Host UUIDString
Write IOPSNumeric
Read IOPSNumeric
Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric
Controller Write IOPSNumeric
Controller Read IOPSNumeric
Controller IOPSNumeric
Controller Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
Controller IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric
Hypervisor Write IOPSNumeric
Hypervisor Read IOPSNumeric
Hypervisor IOPSNumeric
Hypervisor Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
Hypervisor IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric
Hypervisor CPU Usage (%)Numeric
Read IO Bandwidth (kBps)Numeric
Write IO Bandwidth (kBps)Numeric
Hypervisor Recieved (Bytes)Numeric
Hypervisor Transmitted (Bytes)Numeric
Total VM Unresolved AlertsNumeric

Instance Columns:


MetricData Type
Disk AddressString
Disk Capacity (MB)String
Disk Write IOPSNumeric
Disk Read IOPSNumeric
Disk IOPSNumeric
Disk Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
Disk IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric
Disk Controller Write IOPSNumeric
Disk Controller Read IOPSNumeric
Disk Controller IOPSNumeric
Disk Controller Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
Disk Controller IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric
Disk Hypervisor Write IOPSNumeric
Disk Hypervisor Read IOPSNumeric
Disk Hypervisor IOPSNumeric
Disk Hypervisor Average IO Latency (usecs)Numeric
Disk Hypervisor IO Bandwidth kBpsNumeric


MetricData Type
NIC Mac AddressString
NIC IP AddressString
NIC isConnectedString


MetricData Type
Alert IssueString
Alert Affected EntitiesString
Alert SeverityString
Alert Create TimeString
Alert Last Occurence TimeString
Alert AcknowledgedString