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Version: 8.5.X


The account page displays the details of the company registered with Motadata. Also, it displays the license details.

To view the Account page, navigate to Admin > Organization > Account. It displays two tabs namely:

  • Account Details
  • License Details

Account Details

This tab displays the account details along with the date format and currency set for the whole system.

Account Details tab

The details are:

Company NameEnter the company name.
EmailEnter the email address using which you will login to the ServiceOps.
Contact No.Enter the contact number.
Time ZoneSelect the time zone of your location.
CurrencySelect the currency to be used for calculation. You can select multiple currencies. These currencies will be available throughout the system for use. For example, the Financials tab in the Hardware Details page.
Language PreferenceSelect the language in which you want to the view the ServiceOps UI. You can also set it from the Application Maintenance page. Once set, it will be applicable to the Incident and Service Request Form for the Guest user.
Date Time FormatSelect the date time format to be used in the whole system. Once selected, you can view the preview of the format below the field. The format selected over here can be overridden from the Edit Profile page and Add Technician/Requester page.
Date FormatSelect the date format to be used throughout the system. The format selected over here can be overridden from the Edit Profile page and Add Technician/Requester page.
Time FormatSelect the time format to be used throughout the system. The format selected over here can be overridden from the Edit Profile page and Add Technician/Requester page.

Once done, click Submit, and the settings will get applied to the entire system.

License Details

The tab displays the license details applied to the logged-in user.

License Details

The details are:

Parameter        Description
OwnerDisplays the owner.
License TypeDisplays the type of license applied. For example, Trial and Production.
Issue DateDisplays the date when the license was issued.
Expiry DateDisplays the expiry date of the license.
User License TypeDisplays the license applied to the user. The possible licenses are:

- Named: In this only a limited number of techicians can be created. For example, If 10 technicians are allowed, then only 10 technicians can be created. If you try to create the 11th technician or convert a Requester into Techncian, you will not be allowed.

- Concurrent: With this you can create as many technicians as you want but only 10 technicians will be allowed to login. The Tenant Admin is excluded from the count of logged-in users for concurrent licenses. For instance, if the license permits 10 technicians and all are logged in, the Tenant Admin can still log in without restriction.

Application VerisonDisplays the application version.
Allowed TechniciansDisplays the number of technicians allowed to login.
Used TechniciansDisplays the number of technician license used.
Allowed IT AssetsDisplays the number of IT assets allowed to be added.
Used IT AssetsDisplays the number of IT assets used.
Allowed Non-IT AssetsDisplays the number of Non-IT assets allowed to be added.
Used Non-IT AssetsDisplays the number of Non-IT assets used.
Allowed CIDisplays the number of CIs allowed to be added.
Used CIDisplays the number of CIs used.
Total End Points ScopeDisplays the total number of end points allowed.
Used End Points ScopeDisplays the number of end points used.
Allowed Concurrent RDP SessionsDisplays the total number of allowed concurrent RDP sessions if the 'Number of Concurrent RDP Sessions' field is defined in the License utility.

Note: The Asset Management license is required.

Activation CodeDisplays the code that is to be used for activating ServiceOps.
Agent Activation CodeDisplays the code to be used for activating the agent. It is to be used while installing any agent in the asset.
Mobile Agent Activation CodeDisplays the code to be used for activating the mobile agent.
GUI RevisionDislays the GUI Revision number.
Main Server BuildDisplays the Main Server build version number.
DevOps BuildDisplays the DevOps build version number.