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Version: 8.4.X


Priority determines the order of importance in which the tickets should be handled. Higher the priority the higher is the importance of the ticket. Lower the priority the lower is the importance of the ticket.

To view the Priority page, navigate to Admin > Organization > Priority.

Here, you can manage the priority of the tickets. Also, you can edit the priority names, set any value as default, and change the color pallets of the priority values as per the organization’s theme.

Manage Priority

Changing the Color

To change the color,

  1. Click on the color of the desired priority and a color pallet appears.
  2. Select the color or enter the hexadecimal code.
  3. Click Done.

Changing the Priority Color

Editing the Priority Value

To edit the Priority value,

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the desired priority.
  2. Edit the value.
  3. Click the Correct (Green) symbol.

Edit Priority Option

Edit Priority