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Version: 8.4.X

Asset Transfer

This option enables you to create an Asset Movement Request for asset transfer. You can trasnfer assets from one Location/Department to another Location/Department, temporarily and permanently.


The "Manage Asset Management" role is required to create an Asset Transfer request.

To initiate a transfer request, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Asset Management > Asset Movement page.
  2. Click the Asset Movement button and select the Asset Transfer option on the top-right corner of the Asset Movement Requests List page. The below form appears.

Create Asset Movement Request

Enter the below details:

Parameter                   Description
Movement TypeAsset Transfer
RequesterRequester who has requested the movement.
From LocationSelect the Location from where the movement is to be initiated.
To LocationSelect the Location to where the movement is to be sent.
From DepartmentSelect the Department from where the transfer is to be initiated.
To DepartmentSelect the Department to which the transfer is to be sent.

Either Location or Department is mandatory to be selected, however, both cannot be blank.

Reference NumberMention the reference number if any. It is an optional Field.
Movement DateMention the date on which movement needs to be done. It is a mandatory Field. It should be greater than the current date.
Returnable/Transfer TypeSelect the type. The options are: Temporary Transfer and Permanent Transfer.
Expected Return DateSelect the date on which the asset is expected to return. It is available only for the "Temporary Transfer" type.
Asset TypeSelect the asset type. The options are: Hardware and Non IT.
RemarksEnter the remarks if any. You can add remarks up to 255 characters.
AttachmentsUpload the required attachments.
EmailEnter the email address to receive notifications.
Contact No.Enter the Contact number of the Requester.
Dispatch AddressEnter the address where the asset is to be dispatched. It is an optional field. You can provide details like Street, Landmark, City, Pincode, State, and Country.
Asset DetailsSelect the assets that you want to transfer using the Add Assets link. Here, you can also search for the required asset using the Search field. The asset list appears based on the selected From Location, From Department, Asset Type (Hardware or Non-IT), Asset Condition (Other Than Faulty), and Movement Status (None).

Add Assets

  1. Once all the details are filled in, click Create or save it as a draft. The Asset Movement Request is created with the default status "Requested" and starts with the MV prefix. For example, MV - 1. If the form is saved as a draft, its initial status will be "In Draft."

Details Page

Once the transfer request is created, the details page appears as shown below.

Asset Transfer Details

The page displays the following sections:

  1. Edit: The transfer details can be edited only when the Request Transfer status is "In Draft". Once the status changes to Requested, they cannot be edited.
  2. Classifiers: View and configure the properties of the transfer.
  3. Stages: Manually update the Asset Transfer stages for Permanent and Temporary transfer type.
  4. Associated Actions: Add and update the different actions. They are Assets, Address, Notes, Approvals, and Audit Trail.
  5. More Options: It includes: Ask for Approval, Cancel Asset Movement, and Print.
  6. Other Info: View and configure the additional details about the transfer.


These properties tell you the current statistics of the asset transfer and help you to classify them under different labels. These are editable only when the transfer is in draft status. Once the status changes to "Requested”, the transfer details cannot be edited except for the "To Location" and "To Department" classifiers. After the "Receive Transfer" stage, these will also become non-editable.

Asset Classifiers

Parameter              Description
StatusDisplays the transfer status based on the workflow. The default value is In Draft or Requested.
Movement DateDisplays the date on which the asset movement will take place.
From LocationDisplays the source location of the asset for transfer.
To LocationDisplays the destination location of the asset for transfer.
From DepartmentDisplays the department name from where the asset is to be transferred.
To DepartmentDisplays the department name to where the asset is to be transferred.
Returnable/Transfer TypeDisplays the type of transfer as Permanent or Temporary.
Approval StatusDisplays the approval status.

Associated Actions

You can view or update the details using the below tabs:

You can view the number and exact name of the Asset which is in movement. If required you can delete the asset from this tab.

Assets Tab

Other Info

The other information shows additional details about the transfer.

Other Info

  • Reference Number: Displays the reference number of the asset transfer.
  • Closed Date: Displays the date on which the transfer request was closed.
  • Last Updated Date: Displays the date and time of the asset transfer last updated.
  • Asset Type: Displays the asset type.