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Version: 8.4.X

Software Types

A Software Type tries to define the nature of existence of a Software Asset.

To view the Software Types page, navigate to Admin > Asset Management > Software Types.

Here, you can view the default software types as well as add the custom ones. By default, Motadata provides six Software Types out of the box. They are :

  • Unidentified: These software are the unidentified ones with unknown source.
  • Shareware: These software run on a free Trial.
  • Prohibited: These software are not allowed to be used.
  • Freeware: These software are free to use.
  • Managed: These software need managing with regards to License and Compliance.
  • Excluded: These software do not need any managing.

Software Types

Add Software Type

To add a software type,

  1. Click the Add Software Type link and a popup appears.
  2. Enter the Name.
  3. Click Save. The software type gets added to the list. Once added, you can edit and delete the software type if required. You can only edit the default software types and not delete.

This operation requires administrative rights.

Adding a Software Type