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Version: 8.5.X

Hardware Asset Details Page

On the Asset Details page, you can view the complete details of the asset and perform the desired activity. To view the Asset Details page, on the Asset List page click on the Asset ID, and the below page appears.

Hardware Asset Details Page

Asset ID and Name

You can view the complete Asset ID and Name at the top of the details page. You can also edit it by clicking on the Pencil icon if required.

Subject and Description

Classifiers of Asset

These properties tell you the current statistics of the asset and help you to classify them under different labels. When someone works on an asset, the person updates the labels accordingly. For example: If the "status" is closed, it means you have nothing to do with the asset.

Asset Classifiers

Parameter              Description
Asset TypeThis label classifies the name of the asset type.
Asset TypeThis label classifies the name of the asset type.
StatusThis label classifies the asset based on the status. The default options are: In stock, In use, Missing, and Retired.
ImpactThis label classifies the asset based on the impact factor. The default values are: Low, On Users, On Department, and On Business.
ProductThis label classifies the asset based on the product. You can also change it and search for your desired products in the dropdown.
Managed By GroupThis label displays the group which manages the particular asset. You can also change it and search for the desired group in the dropdown.
Managed byThis label displays the name of the person who is to manage the asset. You can also change it and search for the desired person in the dropdown.
Asset GroupThis label displays the Asset Group in which the asset belongs. You can also change it and search for the desired group to associate.
Add TagsYou can add the custom tags to quickly find the assets based on it. Also, system adds some default tags when based on certain labels and actions.

A. Associated Actions for Asset

You can create or update different actions and activities as a part of communication, collaboration, and resolution in the asset using the below tabs:

This displays the hardware and computer properties of the asset. You can also add the same manually.

- Hardware Properties: It displays the serial number of the asset and Warranty Details.

Hardware Properties

- Computer Properties: It displays all the configuration details of the computer asset.

Computer Properties

- SNMP Properties: Displays the default SNMP details about the asset like System OID, System Up Time, Firmware, Firmware Version, Port, Manufacturer, and Contact Name. To view the additional details, refer to the SNMP Custom Properties tab.


This tab is available only for SNMP Devices.

SNMP Properties

- Custom Fields: Displays the additional details about the asset.

Custom Fields

B. Associated Actions for Asset

This tab allows you to view and manage users of the asset. You can also add the users by clicking the Add User button, filling in the details, and clicking the Add button as shown in the below-right figure. Once added, if required you can restrict the updation of user details using the Asset custom Rules.

Users Tab

Adding a User

C. Associated Actions for Asset

You can add notes for future reference.

Notes Tab

Other Information

The other information shows additional details about the asset.

  • QR Code: Shows the QR code of the asset.

  • Used By: Shows the name of the person to whom the asset is assigned. You can edit if required. Once the asset is assigned, a confirmation email is sent to the user for assignment. For more details, refer to the Asset Confirmation page. You can also set the field based on the logon name if the Asset Preference "Consider Last Logged In User on Asset as Used By" is enabled from the System Preference page. When this preference is enabled, the behavior will be as follows:

    • If the "Used By" field already contains a user whose logon name matches the last logged-in user, the "Used By" field will remain unchanged.
    • If no users are assigned to the "Used By" field, and there is a user with a matching logon name, the "Used By" field will be updated to that user.
    • If the "Used By" field contains multiple users and one of them has a logon name matching the last logged-in user, the "Used By" field will remain unchanged.
    • If the "Used By" field does not contain any user with a logon name matching the last logged-in user, the "Used By" field will be updated to the last logged-in user, and any other users will be removed.
    • If the "Used By" field contains a single user whose logon name does not match the last logged-in user, that user will be removed and updated to the last logged-in user.
  • Location: Shows the location of the asset. You can edit if required.

  • Category: Shows the category assigned to the asset. You can edit if required.

  • Department: Shows the department of the asset. You can edit if required.

  • Company: Shows the company associated with the hardware asset. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.

  • Host name: Shows the host name of the asset. i.e name of the added asset host. You can edit if required.

  • Domain Name: Shows the domain name. You can edit if required.

  • UUID: Shows the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) number of the CI. It acts as a unique identification parameter if selected in the Asset Preference while performing agentless discovery.

  • IP Address: Shows the unique IP address of the asset. You can edit if required.

  • MAC Address: Shows the unique MAC address of the asset. You can edit if required.

  • Subnet Mask: Shows the subnet mask of the asset. You can edit if required.

  • Vendor: Shows the Vendor from where the asset is bought. You can change it if required.

  • Asset Condition: Shows the condition of the asset. The options are: None, Faulty, Good, and Non Repairable.

  • Movement Status: Displays the status of the asset movement. The values are:

    • Out Movement: This appears when the faulty asset is sent to repair,
    • In Repair: This appears when the "Send to Repair" request for the asset is completed.
    • In Movement: This appears when the asset is in movement due to Asset Transfer request.
  • Under Change Control: Shows whether the asset is under change control.

  • Business Service: Shows the service associated with the respective asset. You can edit the value.

  • Origin: Shows from where the asset originated. It can be Discovery, Manual, Agent, CSV Import, Excel Import, Purchase, SCCM, or Poller.

  • Acquisition Date: Shows the date when the asset was purchased or acquired.

  • Assignment Date: Shows the date of the Assignment, when the asset is handed over to any user.

  • Created and Last Updated Date: Shows the date and time of the asset created and last updated.