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Remote Offices

Modern organizations are geographically dispersed. They have offices at different locations all controlled from a main office. Offices that are away from the main office are termed as Remote Offices. It may happen that all the offices of an organization form part of a single network. Individual offices may have a relay server: A relay server is used to allow communications from outside a company’s firewall to the internal Servers.

In order to accommodate such situations, we have the following Remote Automation features:

  • A user can create a group of computers for a location and save it as a Remote Office.
  • A user can add a Remote Office in a scope (Endpoint Scope) instead of individual computers for Patch/Package/Registry Management.
  • Users can point a Remote Office to a Relay Server. This is useful when there are multiple offices, and the admin doesn’t want them to hog the central File Server for Patch/Package download. This is why we have the feature that allows a Remote Office to download Patches/Packages from a Relay Server rather than the central File Server.

To view the Remote Offices page, navigate to Admin > Patch Management > Remote Offices.

Remote Offices Page

Create Remote Office

To create a Remote Office,

  1. Click the Create Remote Office button on the top-right corner of the page and a popup appears.

Create Remote Office

  1. Enter the below details:
  • Name: Enter the name of the remote office.
  • Description: Enter a short description about the remote office.
  • Communication Type: It is where you configure for a relay server. The options are:
    • Distribution Server: Select if your remote office is outside your local network at a remote location. Enter the Distribution Server URL so that the main server can route the Patches or Packages to the Remote Office’s relay server.
    • Direct Communication: Select when you are creating a remote office locally within your base network.
  • Add Computers: Add computers to the remote office using the Add Computers link as shown below. A list of Agents appears, select the desired agents and click Add.

Add Computers to the Remote Office

Computers Added

  1. Once done, click Create, and the remote office appears on the list page. Once added, you can edit or delete them using the respective icons. If delete is clicked, a confirmation message appears. Click Yes to continue or Cancel to stop the process.