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Version: 8.4.X

Agent Nomination

This tab allows you to nominate the agents to be used for managing the REDHAT patches.

To view the Agent Nomination page, navigate to Admin > Patch Management > Agent Nomination.

Here, you can nominate only two agents: Workstation and Server.

Agent Nomination List page

You can nominate only those agents that hold an active subscription and the Internet connection. To nominate, click the Edit icon and the following popup appears.

Edit Agent Nomination

Provide the below details:

  • Agent ID: Select the Agent ID to be nominated. You can select only those agents that are present in the End Points Scope page.
  • Nomination Category: Displays the category for which the agent is to be nominated. It can be either Workstation or Server.
  • Repo Sync Status: Displays the repo sync status as success or failed.
  • Last Sync Time: Displays the date and time when the nominated agent synchronized last with the REDHAT repository.

Once done, click Update. If there is no agent nominated, the record remains blank as shown below.

No Agent Nominated