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Version: 8.4

Approval Settings

Approval Settings apply at the global level for all the approvals in the modules. It means, the settings are irrespective of the nature of module, ticket, or the approval request. You can manage the settings from the list page.

Approval Settings link

Approval Settings

Parameter                  Description
Multi Approval Decision Type

When there are multiple approval workflows available for a ticket, the decision depends on the number of approvals that needs to be accepted. The options are:

- Unanimous: All the approvals should be accepted.

- Majority: More than 50% of approvals should be accepted.

- Any one: Any one approval is sufficient.

- Last Approval: The approval is taken based on the highest priority workflow. The one located on the top of all the workflows is considered to have the highest priority.

Allow User to Create Manual ApprovalActivate if you want to allow the user to create an approval request manually. If enabled, you can create an approval from the ticket's details page. If disabled, on clicking Ask For Approval from the details page, the system will automatically apply the suitable approval workflow.
Note Required for Approval RejectionActivate if you want the approver to add a note on rejecting the approval.
Allow User to Add Quick Note While Approving/Rejecting ApprovalActivate if you want the user to add a note while approving or rejecting the approval.
Skip Approval In Case Requester is also the ApproverEnable to skip the approval of the Requester who is also an Approver. By default, it is disabled. If enabled, the approval of the Requester, who is also an Approver, will get skipped.
Allow User to update Service Request fields after ApprovalEnable to allow the user to update the Service Request custom fields once the approval is received. By default, it is disabled.
Change Request Status ToDefine the request status to be changed as per the stages of the approval workflow.
Change Problem Status ToDefine the problem status to be changed as per the stages of the approval workflow.
Change Asset Status ToDefine the asset status to be changed as per the stages of the approval workflow.

Once all the settings are configured, click Update.