📄️ Overview
What is Purchase Management?
📄️ Purchase Custom Fields
The layout of asset management has all the fields required to manage the purchases of an organization. However, to meet the organization’s needs, you can modify the default template and add new fields. The fields can later be used in the automation settings also.
📄️ Purchase Price Fields
Price fields are fields to support the information related to the global taxation, discounts, or adjustments that you want to apply on the net value of the purchase order. Only numeric fields are supported.
📄️ GL Code
GL code stands for General Ledger Code. General ledger codes are (alpha) numerals assigned to different debit or credit entries in a General Ledger to make accounting easy and functional.
📄️ Cost Center
A Cost Center is a department or a part of a department that directly adds cost to the organization and indirectly adds to profit. These are used to track the budget requirements of individual departments or business units. For example: Human Resource.
📄️ Purchase Custom Rules
The custom rules help you to enforce the organization’s compliance while processing a purchase order. Using these rules you can ensure that any change in the purchase order attributes is supported by proper comments or notes. For example, a purchase order should not move to the approved state if there is no manager assigned to it. Similarly, you can use custom rules to enforce the approval workflows and closing tasks to close a purchase order.
📄️ Print Template
This page enables you to create templates used for printing the purchase order form. Based on these templates you can print the required details in the Purchase Order.
📄️ Address
Addresses are required to ship the procured items to the desired location. Moreover, entering the address manually every time when creating or updating a purchase order can be cumbersome. Hence, this page allows you to configure multiple addresses in advance. Once added, you simply need to select and insert them instead of typing each time.