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The Integration tab enables you to create and manage the various issues and features without signing into the JIRA software. This makes it easier for raising issues from the portal itself.

  • This tab is available only if the JIRA software is configured from the Admin Settings.
  • This tab can be disabled using the Request Form Rule. If disabled, you can only view the existing integrations and not create. The option to add integration will get hidden.

To add Integration,

  1. Click the Add Integration button and a popup appears.

Integration Tab

Add Integration

  1. Provide the following details:
    1. Project: Select the project that is related to the incident.
    2. Issue Type: Select the type of issue. The options are: Sub-Task, Epic, Tech-Story, New Feature, Task, Story, Bug, and Improvement.
    3. Priority: Select the priority of the issue. The options are: Highest, High, Medium, Low, and Lowest.
  2. Once done, click Add and the issue gets created as shown below.

Created Issue

Issue Created In JIRA