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The SLA tab displays the history details of the all the SLAs, OLAs, and UCs applied to the tickets. It displays details like total penalty amount, name, type, target, status, updated by, elapsed time, due in, SLA percentage, overdue, start time, last pause time, stop time, pause duration, breached duration, technician group, Operational Hours Type, and Update Count.


NameDisplays name of the currently applied SLA, OLA, or UC.
TypeDisplays the type of the currently applied SLA i.e. SLA, OLA, or UC.
TargetDisplays the target of the currently applied SLA/OLA/UC. If Response timer is applied, First Response will be displayed. If Resolution time is applied, Resolution will be displayed.
StatusDisplays the current status of the applied SLA, OLA, and UC. The possible values are:

- Running: Appears when the SLA/OLA/UC timer is currently running.

- Achieved: Appears when the ticket's first response or resolution (which ever is configured) is received within the defined duration.

- Breached: This appears when the SLA/OLA/UC is running even after the defined duration.

- Cancelled: This appears when a new SLA/OLA/UC is applied while the existing SLA/OLA/UC is already running

- Paused: This appears when the SLA/OLA/UC timer is running and the ticket's status is changed in which the Run SLA or Run UC is disabled.

Updated ByDisplays the username when the SLA is manually updated. If it is automatically updated by the system using SLA/OLA/UC, then System is displayed.
Elapsed timeDisplays the total running duration of the SLA/OLA/UC based on the assigned operation hour type.
Due InDisplays the remaining time of SLA/OLA/UC.
SLA PercentageDisplays the percentage based on the elapsed time.

- If the elapsed time is <= to the total SLA/OLA/UC configured duration, the value will be between 0-100%

- If the elapsed time > total SLA/OLA/UC configured duration, the value will be more than 100%.

- Green color is displayed for value between 0-50%.

- Yellow color is displayed for value between 51-75%.

- Orange color is displayed for value between 76-100%.

- Red color is displayed for value greater than 100%.

OverdueDisplays whether the SLA/OLA/UC is breached.
Start TimeDisplays the start time when the SLA/OLA/UC was applied to the ticket.
Last Pause TimeDisplays the time when the SLA/OLA/UC timer is paused based on the Run SLA or Run UC flag from the Request Status page.
Stop TimeDisplays the time when the SLA/OLA/UC was stopped or cancelled for the ticket.
Pause DurationDisplays the total pause duration of SLA/OLA/UC.
Breached DurationDisplays the total breached duration of SLA/OLA/UC.
Penalty AmountDisplays the amount of penalty applied to the SLA/OLA/UC.
Technician GroupDisplays the assigned technician group in case of OLA.
Operational Hours TypeDisplays the assigned operational hours type. The values can be: Calendar Hours and Business Hours.
Update CountDisplay the number of times the same SLA/OLA/UC is started, either first time or after pause.