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Version: 8.4.X

Motadata RDP Server Installation Guide

The RDP server communicates with the RDP Agent and ServiceOps to establish the RDP sesson. To do so, first install the RDP Server, configure the RDP Settings, and lastly install the RDP Agent.


  • ServiceOps Server should be up and running
  • ServiceOps Server's IP Address is required
  • ServiceOps Database port number 5432 should be open
  • Domain name is required
  • Host Entry of the IP Address and Domain name must be done in the local machine
  • Wildcard certificate is required

This document is applicable for Ubuntu 22 only.

RDP Server Installation Setup

  1. Download and run the Motadata RDP Server Installer on a Linux machine.


  1. Assign executable permission and run the setup using the below command:

    chmod 777 MotadataServiceOpsMeshCentralU22


  1. Add host entry for domain name and IP Address in your system using the below command.

    Command Syntax:

    echo “IPADDRESS DOMAINNAME” >> /etc/hosts


    echo “” >> /etc/hosts

  • Ensure you have the Domain name.

host entry command

  1. Run the file using the below command:



    Use root user to run the command.

Running Installer

Running Installer

  1. Enter the IP Address of the ServiceOps Server as shown below. The IP Address is required when the RDP Server and the ServiceOps Server are installed on different machines.

enter IP Address

  • The IP Address is not asked, if the RDP Server and ServiceOps Server are installed on the same machine.
  • Avoid installing the Nginx server on the remote machine that hosts the RDP server.
  1. Enter the DB Password of the ServiceOp Server as shown below.

DB Password

It is an encrypted password. To get the password follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the path cd /opt/flotomate/main-server/lib.

    lib folder

  2. Run the below command to get the password.

    cat boot-hosted-exec.conf | grep DB_PASSWORD



The installer might take approx 5 minutes to install.

  1. The RDP server is now successfully installed. You can verify the service status using the below command.

    systemctl status meshcentral.service

service Status

  1. Once installed, configure the RDP settings from the Technician Portal, and then the RDP Server Agent.

After installation, ensure the chown permission is applied by going to the path cd /opt/meshcentral, and using the following command:

Command Syntax: chown -R {user}:{usergroup} meshcentral

For example: chown -R flotomate:flotomate meshcentral

Additional Optional Settings

Once the RDP Server is installed, you can perform the additional configurations like changing the domain name, port, and SSL Certificate of the RDP server.

Change Domain Name

To change the domain name,

Change the domain name in the following 3 files:

  • nginx.conf
  • hosts
  • config.json

Nginx Config File

  1. Open the Terminal server and go to the path /etc/nginx/conf.d/.
  2. Check the list of files in it using the ll command.


  1. Open and edit the nginx.conf file using the command:

    vim mesh_nginx.conf

Edit File

The below screen appears.

change domain name

  1. Replace the server_name with the desired domain name. For example: By default the server domain name is

change domain name

  1. Once done, save the file using the :wq! command.

To replicate the changes, restart the nginx service whenever any changes are made in the nginx.conf file.

Host File

To edit the host file,

  1. Go to the path /etc/hosts.

  2. Edit the file using the below command:

    vim hosts

edit host file

  1. Edit the domain host name and also add the server IP Address before it, as shown below.

edit host name

  1. Once done, save the file using the :wq! command.

Config File

To edit the RDP config file,

  1. Navigate to the path /opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-data and view the files in it using the ll command as shown below.

rdp folder

  1. Next, edit the config.json file using the below command.

    vim config.json

rdp folder

  1. Change the Domain name in the config file as shown below.

change domain name

  1. Next, in the same file change the Email address and Domain name in the "letsencrypt" section as shown below.

change email address and domain name

  1. Once done, save the file using the :wq! command.

  2. Restart the RDP Server service using the below command:

    systemctl restart meshcentral.service

Change Port Number

ServiceOps uses the default 8443 and 4330 port numbers. In case, these are not free you can change the port to the desired one by following the below procedure.

  • To change the port numbers, edit the following 3 files:
    • nginx.conf
    • fmt_nginx.conf
    • config.json
  • Before editing, kindly take the backup of config files.
  • Ensure that the port is not used by any services or the ServiceOps Server.

RDP Nginx Config File

To edit the file,

  1. Navigate to the path /etc/nginx/conf.d/.

conf folder

  1. Open the mesh_nginx.conf file. It contains the default port number 8443.

old port

  1. Next, edit the file and change the port number from 8443 to 8089 as shown below. Here, port number 8089 is used as an example.

new port

  1. Once done, save the file.
  2. Restart the Nginx Server service.

Fmt Nginx Config File

To edit the fmt_nginx.conf file,

  1. Navigate to the path /etc/nginx/conf.d/.

conf folder

  1. Open the fmt_nginx.conf file. It contains the default port number 8443.

change port

  1. Next, edit the file, and change the port number from 8443 to 8089 as shown below. Here, port number 8089 is used as an example.

new port

  1. Once done, save the file.
  2. Restart the Nginx server service.

Ensure the same port numbers are updated in the fmt_nginx.conf and mesh_nginx.conf files.


To edit the RDP config file,

  1. Navigate to the path /opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-data and view the files in it using the ll command as shown below.

rdp folder

  1. Next, edit the config.json file using the below command.

    vim config.json

rdp folder

  1. Change the aliasPort in the config file as shown below. Here, port number 8443 is replaced with 8089.

old aliasport

new aliasport

  1. Once done, save the file using the :wq! command.
  • Once the port number is changed in all the 3 files, allow it from Firewall using the below commands.

    ufw status
    ufw allow 8089
  • Restart the Nginx and RDP server services using the below commands:

    systemctl restart meshcentral
    systemctl restart nginx
  • Similarly, using the above steps, you can change the port number 4430 in all the 3 files.

port config.json

proxypass mesh_nginx.conf

proxypass fmt_nginx.conf

Change SSL Certificate

To change the SSL Certificate file for RDP,

  1. Navigate to the path /etc/nginx/conf.d/.
  2. Open the mesh_nginx.conf file.


  1. Edit the ssl_certificate as shown below.

new certificate

  1. Once done, save the file.

  2. Ensure that the following files in the RDP server contain the ssl key:

    • agentserver-cert-private.key
    • webserver-cert-private.key
  3. Ensure that the following files in the RDP server contain the ssl crt:

    • agentserver-cert-public.crt
    • webserver-cert-public.crt


The user should have administrator rights.

  1. Restart the Nginx server service and wait for 30 seconds approx.