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Hardware Requirements

Below are the specific hardware requirements suggested for different modules, licenses, and user configurations for Service Desk. These requirements are based on deployment i.e. Single Server and Indivdual Servers for ServiceOps App and Database Server respectively.

For a Single Server

Service Desk

Concurrent Technicians LoginCPURAMHardDisk
1-54 Core8 GB200 GB
5-208 Core16 GB500 GB
20-5016 Core32 GB1 TB
50-10032 Core64 GB1 TB

Asset Management

Asset CountCPURAMHardDisk
1-10004 Core8 GB200 GB
1000-50008 Core16 GB500 GB
5000-1000016 Core32 GB1 TB
10000-2500032 Core64 GB1 TB

Service Desk and Asset Management

Concurrent Technicians LoginAsset CountCPURAMHardDisk
1-51-10008 Core12 GB500 GB
5-201000-500012 Core24 GB500 GB
20-505000-1000024 Core48 GB1 TB
50-10010000-2500048 Core96 GB1 TB

Patch Management

Endpoint CountCPURAMHardDisk
1-10008 Core16 GB300 GB
1000-500016 Core32 GB500 GB
5000-1000032 Core64 GB500 GB

File/Relay Server for Patch Management (Need one file Server per location)

Endpoint CountCPURAMHardDisk
1-10004 Core8 GB500 GB
1000-50004 Core8 GB1 TB
5000-100008 Core16 GB1 TB

For a Separate App and DB Server

Service Desk

Concurrent Technicians LoginDeployment ComponentHardware InstancevCPURAMHardDiskBandwidth
1-10APP14 Core8 GB200 GB50 Mbps
DB14 Core8 GB200 GB
10-20APP18 Core16 GB200 GB50 Mbps
DB14 Core8 GB200 GB
20-50APP116 Core32 GB200 GB100 Mbps
DB18 Core16 GB500 GB
50-100APP116 Core32 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB116 Core32 GB500 GB
100-200APP132 Core64 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB116 Core32 GB500 GB

Asset Management

Asset CountDeployment ComponentHardware InstancevCPURAMHardDiskBandwidth
1-1000APP14 Core8 GB200 GB100 Mbps
DB14 Core8 GB200 GB
1000-5000APP18 Core16 GB200 GB100 Mbps
DB18 Core16 GB500 GB
5000-10000APP116 Core32 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB116 Core16 GB1 TB
10000-25000APP132 Core64 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB132 Core64 GB1 TB

Patch Management

End Point CountDeployment ComponentHardware InstancevCPURAMHardDiskBandwidth
1-1000APP18 Core16 GB200 GB100 Mbps
DB14 Core8 GB200 GB
Relay Server (Per Site 1000 Assets)14 Core8 GB500 GB
1000-5000APP116 Core32 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB18 Core16 GB500 GB
Relay Server (Per Site 1000 Assets)54 Core8 GB500 GB
5000-10000APP116 Core32 GB500 GB100 Mbps
DB116 Core32 GB1 TB
Relay Server (Per Site 1000 Assets)104 Core8 GB500 GB