11.20.2. Understanding Agent-Based vs. Agentless MethodΒΆ

These two methods of discovering Asset can be compared with Push vs. Pull. In Agentless Discovery, the Discovery engine scans a given network for pingable Assets and populate the same in the CMDB. In Agent-Based, every node of the network must run an Agent Application which continuously streams the relevant data back to the server. As a best practice, Assets which are frequently moved in the context of a corporate network there Agent-based discovery and polling make more sense. Whereas, Agent-less is the only way for scanning SNMP assets like a printer, router, switches, etc.

Below are six dimensions that highlight the fundamental differences between Agent-Based and Agentless scanning:



Discovery Method

Agent-Based Discovery is a push-based strategy, where every node in a network runs an Agent Application. The Application pushes the data into the main server.

It does not have any network or domain barriers.

Agentless Discovery is a pull-based approach, which is designed to leverage a network either defined by a domain or an IP range.

It uses network and management protocols like SNMP, WMI, etc.


Running Agent-Based Discoveries in multiple workstations require the individual installation of the Application. In case the workstations are part of a network, an administrator can remotely install the application on all the workstations.

Agentless Discovery requires one-time configuration of a network in the main server. Once a user configures a network, the user can create a Discovery Probes.

Device Coverage

Currently, Agent-Based scanning supports the Discovery of Windows and Ubuntu machines.

In an Agentless setup, the product scans Assets that

following credential types:

  • WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

  • SSH

  • SNMP

  • SNMP V3


The Agent Application requires maintenance in the form of patches and updates at the node level.

No maintenance needed at the level of a node.

Which one is better, Agentless or Agent-Based?

It depends upon your requirement. Both Agent-Based and Agentless Discovery are similar in their capabilities and scale. The differences are in the way they function and their scope.