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Version: 8.4.X

Agent Bulk Installation Using Utility

Motadata ServiceOps provides you with multiple options to install a single agent in multiple machines in one go. This helps the network administrators to install the agent in bulk without wasting time in performing the process individually. One of the methods is using Remote Agent Installer utility.

The Remote Agent Installer allows you to install and uninstall an agent from multiple machines that fall in the configured IP range. Once installed, you can discover the agents, and perform the required operations on them. To know how to install the installer, follow the below procedure.


  • Fulfill the device specific prerequisites along with the below points.
  • Remote machines should be accessible from the host machine
  • The required agent files should be stored in the exes folder.
  • The exes folder should be created (if not present) at the location where the utility folder is stored. Also, this folder should be accessible to all the machines within the network.
  • The files in the exes folder should be named as per the format given in the "MSI_FileName_Example.txt" file.
  • Exclude RemComSvc.exe file from the Anti-Virus settings
  • Windows 8 and above versions
  • OS – Windows (64 bit)
  • .Net v3.1 and above
  • If the machine in which the agent is to be installed is in the Workgroup and not in the AD server, update the Registry setting by opening the Registry Editor, navigating to the path “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System”, adding a new DWORD (32-bit value), naming it as “LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy”, and setting the value as 1.


To perform agent bulk installation, follow the below steps:

  1. Download the file on the computer that has an Internet connection.
  2. Run the RemoteAgentInstaller.exe file with administrator rights.
  3. The following screen appears. Enter the below details:

Remote Agent Installer

If you have the IP details enter the following data:

  • IP Start: Enter the IP Address from which the agent installation will begin. If only the IP Start field is specified, the agent will get installed only in this single machine.
  • IP End: Enter the IP Address till which the agent installation will end. If both IP Start and End are provided, then the agent will be installed in all the machines within the specified IP range.

The machines should be in the same network.

  • User: Enter the user credentials of the machine in which the agent is to be installed.
  • Server URL: Enter the URL (IP Address/Domain) of the server.
  • Activation Code: Agent activation code can be taken from the ServiceOps > Admin Settings > Organization > Account > License Details page.
  • Network Share: Enter the network path from which the agent file can be accessed for installation.
  • Uninst. FileName: Enter the name of the file that you want to uninstall. For example, for Mac, use the file name as "".
  • Mac: Select if you want to install or uninstall the Mac agent. If selected, the "Exe Build" and "Discovery with RDP" options will get disabled.

At any given time, you can install or uninstall only one Mac RDP agent, i.e., either MacIntel or MacM1.

  • Linux: Select if you want to install or uninstall the linux agent. If selected, the "Exe Build" and "Discovery with RDP" options will get disabled.
  • Exe Build: Enable to support the installation or uninstallation of build with exe extension from the exes folder.
  • Agent Type: Select the type of agent that you want to install.
  • Architecture: Select the architecture of the machines in which you want to install the agent.

If you have the LDAP details and want to use it, enter the following data:

  • LDAP URL: Enter the URL of the LDAP server which begins with ldap:// followed by the IP Address and Port Number. For Example, ldap://

LDAP is supported for Windows machines only.

  • User: Enter the username of the LDAP user.
  • Password: Password of the LDAP user.
  • CSV Path: You can also upload a CSV file using which the agent details can be fetched. To upload the file, click Browse (3 dots), Load, and Save. Once loaded the machine details will appear in the grid. It will display the details like Machine Name, User, and Status. The status will change as and when the installation process moves further.
  1. Once the details are filled, click Install, and the installation will begin. You can also view the installation status from the Status bar (Green bar). If required, click Clear to clear the details, and Cancel to cancel the installation process.
  2. Similarly, to uninstall the agents in bulk, configure the above details, and click UnInstall. The un-installation process will begin.