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Version: 8.4

User Survey

Surveys have been proved the most basic and qualitative method which in turn is inexpensive and executed quickly. Eventually, a large amount of data can be collected on a wide range of topics. Thus, here ServiceOps provides an inbuilt solution for easier gathering of the feedbacks. Surveys prove beneficial to increase the knowledge in fields such as social research, product development, and any organizations growth based on clients or customers thoughts.


A user with Super Admin role and holding Manage User Survey permission can access this module.

Benefits of User Surveys:

  • User Survey Assessments provide more comprehensive data by collecting the detailed process and performance insights from a broad base of stakeholders.
  • It helps making decisions faster which allows an organization to evaluate and identify improvements in service delivery.
  • It helps delivering a consistent experience with all services and available resources.
  • Technicians can create, schedule, and send surveys from a single interface, easing the burden of the survey administration process.

User Surveys have the options that are specific to customize the User Survey module. It has the following features:

User Survey Options