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Version: 8.5.0

Adding Work Log

The Work Log tab allows analysts to record the activities they performed (along with the time frame).

Work Log tab

Here, you can perform the following operations:

  1. Add a Work Log
  2. View the Work Log list
  3. Edit a Work Log
  4. Delete a Work Log

Adding a Work Log

To add a Work Log,

  1. Tap the Add Work Log icon. A popup appears.

Adding Work Log

  1. Enter all the details as shown below.
    • Technician: Select the technician for whom the work is to be logged.
    • Enable Timer (red clock): Select the option to log time. The options are:
      • Manual: To add the log time manually, select the Start Date and End Date. The Time Taken field displays the duration of work as per the selected start date and end date.
      • Timer: Enable the timer to add a work log based on it. Once enabled, the clock icon will turn green. If enabled, the Start Date, End Date, and Time Taken fields will get hidden and the clock icon will appear. With Timer, the Work Log will be calculated based on the start and current time. Once the Timer is started, it will appear on the list page. You can click the Stop icon to stop the Timer or pause it if required. Also, its audit entry will appear in the Audit Trail tab.
    • Description: Enter the description of work done.
  2. Once done, tap Add, and the Work Log appears in the list.
  3. To edit, click the edit icon, and a popup appears. It displays the same parameters as in the Add section. You can change the required details and tap Update.
  4. To delete, tap the delete icon, and a confirmation dialog appears. Tap Yes to continue or Cancel to stop the process.