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Version: 8.4

Problem List View

The Problem List View page displays all the available problems in the system. It is the central hub for a technician, where you can find a problem, and act upon it.

Problem List View

Here, you can do the following:

  1. Filter: You can filter the problems by clicking the desired option. For example: If All Open Problems is selected, the grid displays all the problems with open status.
  2. Search: You can look for specific problems by searching them. The search is a faceted search and allows you to search with specific criteria. The filter option uses a predefined criteria and segregates the list accordingly. You can find more details in the search section.
  3. Bulk Operations: You can select multiple problems and take the required action as shown below.

Bulk Operations in Problem

  1. Grid: Displays all the problems in the grid.
  2. Change Assignee: You can change the assignee from the Assigned To column by clicking on the assignee's name and selecting the desired technician. The assignee with the Green icon indicates the assignee is Online while Grey indicates Offline. You can also know the load of a particular user based on the color of the load indicator (bar) as shown below. The color indicates the following:
    • Green - Low
    • Yellow - Medium
    • Red - High

Load Indicator

  1. Change Status: You can change the status of the problem by clicking on it and selecting the required option. The options are: Open, In Progress, Pending, Resolved, and Closed. The default value is Open.
  2. Change Priority: You can change the priority of the problem by clicking on it and selecting the required option. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent. The default value is Low.
  3. Export: You can export the problems list in CSV and Excel format. To do so,
    1. Click the Export button and a popup appears.
    2. Select the Format as CSV or Excel.
    3. If Excel is selected, you can enable the Password Protected option to secure the file. If enabled enter the Attachment Password. If not provided, the common password set from Edit User Profile page will be used.
    4. Select the desired fields to be included in the file.
    5. Click Export and the link to download the file is sent via an email as shown below.

Export Problems List

  1. Refresh: You can refresh the problem list. This is useful when multiple people are working on the problem and contents are updated frequently.
  2. Column Selection: You can select the columns to be displayed in the grid table.

Column Selection