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Version: 8.4

Problem Management

Know how Problem Management helps in tracking and managing the various problem tickets.

What is Problem Management?

Problem Management is a module using which you can log, analyze, and resolve the problems. Its main aim is to identify the issue, reduce its impact on the business, and prevent similar incidents related to the problems from occurring again.

What is a Problem?

Problems are the primary cause of incidents according to the IT Infrastructure library. When we work on an incident, it is also important to resolve the problem, preventing the future incidents, and minimizing the damage.

There are two types of problems:

  • Reactive Problems are the problems at hand. These are known problems in the system that have relationships with one or more incidents.
  • Proactive Problems are anticipated problems that might occur at a future date. They are the potential causes of incidents.

Problem Management in ServiceOps

Whenever an issue is identified, the technician creates a ticket, and links it with the related incident. Further, the issue is analyzed, assigned, resolved, and closed. If the resolution requires to change something, then a Change Request is created.

The ServiceOps Problem Management involves the following activities:

  • Creating Problems in the Portal.
  • Classifying the problems based on priority, impact, and urgency.
  • Creating tasks and assigning problems to appropriate technicians or groups for speedy resolution.
  • Escalating if necessary for further investigation.
  • Resolving the problem and notifying to the user who created it.
  • If required re-opening the request for further analysis.
  • Using reports to track and analyze the problems.

In this section you can do the following:

  • Create New problems: You can create problems within the system.
  • View problems: View all the problems of your organization. This depends on your role. For e.g. if you are an HR, you can see the problems created for HR department.
  • Update problems: Modify the basic details of the problem.
  • Manage problems: Based on the role you can: claim problems, assign problems to others, archive problems, approve/reject problems, create and manage tasks, add relations, etc.
  • Control Settings as an Admin: You can control the behavior of how the problems are managed and who can do what.

Note: The above features are some high level features and is not an exhaustive list. The system offers much more features.