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Version: 8.4

Predefined Widgets

Currently, Motadata gives few Predefined Widgets out of the box. Each of them have different set of parameters. These Widgets support the following operations:

  • Predefined Widgets can be added to all kinds of Dashboards by their respective owners.
  • The super user is the default owner of all Predefined Widgets.
  • Only the super user can modify (even add Widgets) a Predefined Dashlet but cannot delete it.
  • The options to ignore time and location filters are disabled for Predefined Widgets.

Predefined Widgets are spread across all Dashlet types (KPI, Widget, and Shortcut), they are as follows:

1. KPIs: They display a total count of the following:

  • Missing Patches awaiting for Approval
  • Patches Released in Last 30 Days
  • Vulnerable Systems
  • Health Systems
  • Missing Antivirus Patches
  • Missing Security Patches
  • Missing Patches
  • Installed Patches
  • Applicable Patches
  • Expired Software License
  • Total Non IT Assets
  • Total Prohibited Softwares
  • Total Managed Softwares
  • UnAssigned Hardware Assets
  • Total Computers
  • Total Hardware Assets
  • Open Changes
  • Open Release
  • Open Problems
  • Closed Requests
  • Urgent Open Requests
  • My Open Requests
  • My Requests Due in the 24hours
  • My Overdue Requests
  • Requests Due in the 24hours
  • Overdue Requests
  • Unassigned Requests
  • Open Requests

Open Requests

Total Computers

Total Hardware Assets

Assets in Stock

2. Widgets: They display a column graph which shows the following:

  • Monthly OLA Violation Count By Technician Group
  • Monthly OLA Violation Count By Technician
  • Severity Wise Missing Patches Awaiting Approval
  • Category Wise Missing Patches
  • Severity Wise Missing Patches
  • OS By Computers
  • System Heath Dashboard
  • Open Request Count by Category
  • Software by Software Category
  • Software by Software Type
  • Hardware Asset by Location
  • Hardware Asset by Vendor
  • Hardware Asset by Product
  • Hardware Asset by Status
  • Daily Closed Requests
  • Daily Incoming Requests Trends
  • Reopened Requests By Technician
  • Overdue Requests By Technician
  • My Open Requests By Priority
  • My Open Requests By Status
  • Open Requests By Technician
  • Open Requests By Priority
  • Open Requests By Status
  • Open Requests By Category

Hardware Asset By Status

Open Requests by Status

Overdue Request

3. Shortcuts:

  • My Pending Approvals
  • My Open Requests
  • My Open Tasks
  • Online Technicians