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📄️ Cloud Discovery Settings

Motadata uses the Cloud Discovery settings to connect with your cloud devices. Motadata stores the device information in discovery profiles and device credentials in the credential profile. Cloud discovery profiles are used to identify the cloud devices in your network and credential profiles are used to validate the authentication of the device. When Motadata successfully discovers the devices, it asks you to provision them. With device provisioning, you select only those devices that you want to view and monitor in Motadata.

📄️ WAN Monitoring Profiles

Motadata uses the WAN Discovery settings to connect with your WAN connected devices. Motadata stores the wireless device information in its discovery profiles and device credentials in the credential profile. WAN discovery profiles are used to identify the WAN devices in the network and credential profiles are used to validate the authentication of the device. When Motadata successfully discovers the devices, it will ask you to provision them. With device provisioning, you select only those devices that you want to view and monitor in Motadata.