📄️ Overview
The admin section is dedicated for all administrative activities in Motadata. The user who has access to this section has full access to all the sections of Motadata. The section has options for you to connect with your network and define the behavior of Motadata towards it. In this section you can manage default rules or create new rules (that become default values to the other users). The menus in admin section are categorized in various groups based on their types.
📄️ Security
Security Settings
🗃️ Network Discovery Settings
4 items
🗃️ NCM Device Discovery
5 items
📄️ Cloud Discovery Settings
Motadata uses the Cloud Discovery settings to connect with your cloud devices. Motadata stores the device information in discovery profiles and device credentials in the credential profile. Cloud discovery profiles are used to identify the cloud devices in your network and credential profiles are used to validate the authentication of the device. When Motadata successfully discovers the devices, it asks you to provision them. With device provisioning, you select only those devices that you want to view and monitor in Motadata.
📄️ WAN Monitoring Profiles
Motadata uses the WAN Discovery settings to connect with your WAN connected devices. Motadata stores the wireless device information in its discovery profiles and device credentials in the credential profile. WAN discovery profiles are used to identify the WAN devices in the network and credential profiles are used to validate the authentication of the device. When Motadata successfully discovers the devices, it will ask you to provision them. With device provisioning, you select only those devices that you want to view and monitor in Motadata.
📄️ Alert Settings
Alert settings is a section to manage the behavior of alerts in Motadata. Manage the following settings related to alerts in Motadata:
📄️ Flow Settings
Motadata comes along with 64 out of the box pre-mapped applications. The mapping converts the numeric/machine readable data into human understandable language. This is required in flow visualization menu and all the widgets that are used to see flows. For example:
📄️ Log Settings
Log parser rules allows you to select the data models for which logs will be generated. The section allows following operations:
🗃️ Other Settings
16 items
🗃️ Distributed Monitoring
1 items
🗃️ Device Hierarchy
1 items