📄️ Overview
Motadata Network Configuration Manager (NCM) offers a simple, comprehensive and elegant solution for easy Network Change and Configuration Management (NCCM). It offers multi-vendor network device configuration, continuous monitoring of configuration changes, notifications on respective changes, detailed operation audit and trails, easy and safe recovery to trusted configurations, automation of configuration tasks and insightful reporting.
📄️ Dashboard
Types of Graphs
📄️ NCM Devices
Device List
📄️ NCM Backup Options
You can use backups to:
📄️ Actions on NCM
Actions in the NCM devices are nothing but the set of commands by which you update their configuration. For cisco devices, Motadata gives you some common commands that you can directly use and run in devices. For other devices, you can either create a new action (set of commands) or import from outside.
📄️ Alert
The page shows the alerts/logs of the NCM devices for each operation. You can also search logs, filters alerts based on operation type and audit status. The operations include:
📄️ Firmware Upgrade
While upgrading a version above, any software needs a Firmware update. Adding the software files, their software images or SMU’s is also possible now. Currently, this feature is supported only for the CISCO IOS Software.
📄️ Compliance Management
NCM Compliance management module is accessible by selecting NCM Compliance from the menu as below. It will lead you to NCM Compliance Management Module Dashboard.