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Version: 8.5.X


This page contains an exhaustive list of terms used in the Motadata ServiceOps product.

AdminThe admin is the person who can configure all settings in the admin tab.
AgentAn agent is a software that is installed on the client machine to communicate with the ServiceOps server. Its work is to sends data from the client machine to the ServiceOps server.
AnnouncementsAnnouncements are broadcast alerts about important updates such as an upcoming release or downtime. It appears on the Dashboard.
ApproverAn approver is the person who approves the request within the Support Portal. For example, Manager.
AssetAssets are tangible and intangible things found in the organization’s environment. The different types of assets include, hardware, software, consumable, and non-IT assets.
Asset ManagementA process to track and manage IT assets throughout their lifecycle, including procurement, deployment, maintenance, and disposal.
AutomationThe use of tools, workflows, or scripts to perform repetitive tasks without manual intervention.
Audit TrailAudit Trail keeps track of all the changes that take place in the portal.
Canned ResponsesThese are Response Templates used to send standard responses to the common requests.
Change Advisory Board (CAB)A group of stakeholders responsible for evaluating and approving change requests to minimize risk and disruption.
Configuration Item (CI)Any asset, service component, or other entity managed in a Configuration Management Database (CMDB).
Configuration Management Database (CMDB)A centralized repository containing information about all CIs and their relationships.
Maximum Reponse TimeThe maximum amount of time taken to respond to a logged ticket. The first response time refers to the time taken to respond to a ticket for the very first time after it was logged.
Maximum Resolution TimeThe maximum amount of time taken to resolve a ticket and bring it to closure.
Change ManagementChange management is an approach with standard methods to process the changes in the IT infrastructure. It includes planning and a workflow to minimize the negative impact during and after the change is processed.
Problem ManagementProblem Management is a module using which you can log, analyze, and resolve the problems.
Reactive ProblemsThese are known problems in the system that have relationships with one or more incidents.
Proactive ProblemsThese are anticipated problems that might occur at a future date.
Request ManagementRequest Management is a module using which you can log, analyze, and resolve the requests.
Incident RequestsThese are requests raised when there is a failure or degradation of a service. For example: The Email Server is not Working.
Service RequestsThese are requests raised for normal requirements like things and services. For example: Request to reset password or Request for a new Mouse.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)An agreement between requestors and the IT service provider within an organization that define the timeline within which the service must be provided.
Operational Level Agreement (OLA)A contract between internal teams that ensure the fulfillment of SLAs.
Underpinning Contract (UC)An agreement between IT service providers or technicians and external vendors.
TechnicianA person responsible for providing solution, handling requests, problems, changes, etc. to the requesters or users.
Technician GroupA group of technicians responsible for providing solution, handling requests, problems, changes, etc. to the requesters or users.
RequestersRequesters are the end-users who access the portal to create and seek information regarding their requests.
Requester GroupRequester Groups are group of requesters that raise requests.
DashboardA dashboard is a visual representation of information that helps users monitor and analyze data.
Gantt ViewA Gantt chart is a bar chart which provides a visual view of tasks scheduled over time.
ITILInformation Technology Infrastrucuture Library (ITIL) is a framework that helps organizations standardize planning, delivery, and maintenance of IT services.
ITSMIT service management is a set of practices, policies and procedures that help to manage the services delivered to end users.
Priority MatrixIt is a matrix that defines what priority should be implemented based on each combination of Urgency and Impact values associated with an incident.
Release ManagementRelease management is the process of coordinating the movement of a project into production environment where it can be consumed by end-users.
Service CatalogA Service Catalog is a pre-defined list of service items.
Support PortalThe Support Portal is for the requesters who want to raise their requests related to any incident or service they require.
Support ChannelsSupport channels are mediums through which the technicians can provide assistance to the users.