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Version: 8.4

Create Automatic Patch Deployment

You can create a new Automatic Patch Deployment directly into the system when you are logged in from the list page.

To do so, Click the Create Automatic Patch Deployment button on the top-right corner of the list page. A popup appears as shown below:

Create Automatic Patch Deployment Button

Create Automatic Patch Deployment

Enter the following details:

  • Name: Enter the name of the patch deployment.
  • Select Patch Category: Select the category from the dropdown.
  • Patch Severity: Select the severity of the patch deployment from the dropdown.
  • OS Platform: Select the desired OS from the dropdown.
  • Applications: Select the applications on which the Automatic Patch Deployment is to be performed. The options are:
    • All Applications: It will include all the applications in the system.
    • Include Applications: It will include all the applications selected using the Add Applications link on the right corner as shown below.

Add Applications Link

Adding OS Applications

  • Exclude Applications: It will exclude the applications selected using the Add Applications link on the right corner as shown below.

Add Applications Link

Adding OS Applications

Target Computers

  • Remote Offices: Add the Remote Offices using the Add Remote Office link on the right corner as shown below. For more details, click Remote Offices.

Add Remote Office Link

Adding Remote Offices

  • Computer: Add the Computers using the Add Computers link on the right corner as shown below. For more details, click End Points Scope.

Add Computers Link

Adding Computers

Configuration Settings

  • Deployment Policy: Select the deployment policy from the dropdown. You can also create a new policy. For more details, click the link Deployment Policies page.
  • Notify to: Select the users from the dropdown to whom you wish to notify about the Automatic Patch Deployment.
  • Deploy After Approval: Enter the number of days after which the patch is to be deployed, once approved.
  • Time: Select the time at which the deployment should start.

Once you are done, click Create, and the Automatic Patch Deployment gets created.