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Version: 8.4

Automatic Patch Deployment List

The page allows you to track and manage all the automatic deployments at one place. In the List View, you get to see all the available automatic patch deployments in the system.

Automatic Patch Deployment List

Columns Visible

Column NameDescription
IDDisplays the ID of the Automatic Patch Deployment.
NameDisplays the name of the created Automatic Patch Deployment.
Last Execution TimeDisplays the time of last execution of the automatic patch deployment.
Next Execution TimeDisplays the upcoming time of execution of the Automatic Patch Deployment.
EnableYou can enable or disable the Automatic Patch Deployment from here.
ActionsYou can edit, delete, and view the created Automatic Patch Deployments.

Edit the Automatic Patch Deployment

Click the Edit icon to change or update the details. A popup appears as shown below. Edit the required fields and click Update. For more details, click Create Automatic Patch Deployment.

Edit Automatic Patch Deployment

View the Automatic Patch Deployment

To view the completed Automatic Patch Deployments details, click the View icon (eye).  A popup appears as shown below.

Here, you can click on the desired patch deployment ID and view its details.

Viewing the Completed Patch Deployments