10.8.6. Batch Deployment¶

When deploying Patches/Packages over a large number of computers, it may cause unwanted consumption of network bandwidth. We have created Batch Deployment to overcome this problem.

Batch Deployment allows you to deploy Patches/Packages in a specific number of PCs at a time. Batch Deployment is by default turned off.

Some of the Benefits of Batch Deployment are:

  • Effective usage of an organization’s internal bandwidth.

  • Drives down the need for high-cost hardware updates to increase local network bandwidth.

To Configure Batch Deployment:

  • Go to Admin (A Navigation Tab) >> Batch Deploy Configuration (Patch/Package Deployment).

  • The Batch Deploy Configuration page opens. Here you get the following options:

figure 1
  1. During a Patch/Package Deployment cycle, the deployment process is broken down into smaller units. For example; deployment in 100 computers can be divided into 25 computers at a time; at a time, only 25 computers will receive the deployment command. The Batch Size decides the size of each unit.

  2. Batch Interval is the time between two Batches (units). For example; you can deploy Batches every 2 hours.

  3. The Max Time Out decides how long the system would wait before considering a computer as failed in deployment. Failed computers are removed from a batch and replaced with computers next in line.

During a deployment each computer receive a limited number of commands. If a computer fails to deploy within the given number of commands or exceeds the max time out time then it is deemed as failed.

  • When done, click on Update to save your changes.