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Version: 8.5.X

POST Create Change

URL: {{server-url}}/api/v1/change

In order to create a new change request, you have to call the above endpoint with the following key-values:


AuthorizationBearer {access token obtained after authorization}


You would be sending a JSON change request that will create a ticket and populate its details. Some of the key-value pairs are compulsory, notice the description of each.


Keys with asterisk are compulsory.

KeyValue TypeDescription
requesterEmail*StringEmail address of the user registered for the client.
priorityNameStringShows the importance of the Change. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.
urgencyNameStringMarks the Change as urgent. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.
impactNameStringDescribes the effect of the Change. Possible values are: Low, On User , On department, Or On Business.
riskTypeStringMarks the type of risk involved in the change. The possible values are: Low, Medium, or High.
changeTypeStringMarks the type of change. The possible values are: Minor, Standard, Significant, Major, or Emergency.
categoryNameStringCategory name assigned to the change request..
locationNameStringName of the Location where the change happened. Note that Location Must Exist with same name.
tagsString ArrayThese are additional identifiers attached to a ticket. Its a list that can contain n number of STRINGS.
departmentNameStringAdditional information about the ticket.
assigneeEmailStringName of the Assignee.
technicianGroupNameStringName of the technician group.
targetEnvironmentStringDescribes the target environment in which the change will be created. The possible values are: Production, Development, or Test.
subject*StringSubject of the change.
descriptionStringDescription about the change.
startDate*longSet the start date and time when the change was initiated.
endDate*longSet the end date to resolve/close the change.
fileAttachmentsObject ArrayReference File Name of attachments for a Change. For example:[ { “refFileName” : “abc”, “realName” : “xyz.pdf” } ]

Example (Request & Response)


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsb2dpbl9zc29faWQiOjAsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImpvaG5AbW90YWRhdGEuY29tIiwic2NvcGUiOlsib3RoZXItYXBpLXNjb3BlIl0sImxvZ2luX3NvdXJjZSI6Im5vcm1hbF9sb2dpbiIsImV4cCI6MTY4NjEzNzQ4NywibG9naW5fbXNwX3BvcnRhbF9pZCI6MCwianRpIjoiOGExMDc1MTEtY2YzMC00ODcxLWIzZmQtZjY1NmJhNDUyZTRiIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiUG9zdG1hbkludGVncmF0aW9uLWNsaWVudCIsInRlbmFudElkZW50aWZpZXIiOiJhcG9sbyJ9.RJg1Xb7rVs6s-H6qItcZmwkLAaV95AgbaY813PTn4U7fDz7GV0gpVsMgWAcHOnSV9J-KGsdyw2vHf4rIfH3h8dt3SrJq8B7TPpMNoccXCarBEIGxxMHAKxs9cPcuw7cNY2K5NtfKj8voRl0vRzBHxuQS8h7J6hYnLcOFIMK6B-hZQKBbYL7lgOY86l22ghjcyY9pzwaxjNgtD922f3ru998Vyh_shJOiIb12QEqYxXzle-hxrOkB4hF_KVoNXi0w3WhO09i_aOX16eAfYo2neXd-hZ2TyFqQsKGNy83ZDkwCeeV2Y6Yxck_tMTBVrH6YaAc4NDtEHpA591vImBWtwg' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"requesterEmail": "",
"priorityName": "Low",
"urgencyName": "Low",
"impactName": "Low",
"changeType": "Emergency",
"categoryName": "General",
"locationName": "Asia",
"tags": [
"departmentName": "IT",
"technicianGroupName": "IT",
"targetEnvironment": "Development",
"subject": "Laptop Battery Replacement",
"description": "<p>The battery of the laptop got drained out soon.</p>",
"startDate": 1633343520000,
"endDate": 1635330720000,
"fileAttachments": [



"id": 5,
"name": "CHG-5",
"subject": "Laptop Battery Replacement",
"description": "The battery of the laptop got drained out soon.",
"createdTime": 1686027307917,
"updatedTime": 1686027307917,
"requesterEmail": "",
"requesterName": "john",
"priorityName": "Low",
"urgencyName": "Low",
"impactName": "Low",
"riskType": "Low",
"changeType": "Emergency",
"categoryName": "General",
"locationName": "Asia",
"tags": [
"departmentName": "IT",
"technicianGroupName": "IT",
"assigneeEmail": "",
"targetEnvironment": "Development",
"startDate": 1633343520000,
"endDate": 1635330720000,
"fileAttachments": [],
"customField": {},
"statusName": "Requested"