POST Create Change
URL: {{server-url}}/api/v1/change
In order to create a new change request, you have to call the above endpoint with the following key-values:
Key | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {access token obtained after authorization} |
Content-Type | application/json |
You would be sending a JSON change request that will create a ticket and populate its details. Some of the key-value pairs are compulsory, notice the description of each.
Keys with asterisk are compulsory.
Key | Value Type | Description |
requesterEmail* | String | Email address of the user registered for the client. |
priorityName | String | Shows the importance of the Change. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High, or Urgent. |
urgencyName | String | Marks the Change as urgent. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High, or Urgent. |
impactName | String | Describes the effect of the Change. Possible values are: Low, On User , On department, Or On Business. |
riskType | String | Marks the type of risk involved in the change. The possible values are: Low, Medium, or High. |
changeType | String | Marks the type of change. The possible values are: Minor, Standard, Significant, Major, or Emergency. |
categoryName | String | Category name assigned to the change request.. |
locationName | String | Name of the Location where the change happened. Note that Location Must Exist with same name. |
tags | String Array | These are additional identifiers attached to a ticket. Its a list that can contain n number of STRINGS. |
departmentName | String | Additional information about the ticket. |
assigneeEmail | String | Name of the Assignee. |
technicianGroupName | String | Name of the technician group. |
targetEnvironment | String | Describes the target environment in which the change will be created. The possible values are: Production, Development, or Test. |
subject* | String | Subject of the change. |
description | String | Description about the change. |
startDate* | long | Set the start date and time when the change was initiated. |
endDate* | long | Set the end date to resolve/close the change. |
fileAttachments | Object Array | Reference File Name of attachments for a Change. For example:[ { “refFileName” : “abc”, “realName” : “xyz.pdf” } ] |
Example (Request & Response)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsb2dpbl9zc29faWQiOjAsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImpvaG5AbW90YWRhdGEuY29tIiwic2NvcGUiOlsib3RoZXItYXBpLXNjb3BlIl0sImxvZ2luX3NvdXJjZSI6Im5vcm1hbF9sb2dpbiIsImV4cCI6MTY4NjEzNzQ4NywibG9naW5fbXNwX3BvcnRhbF9pZCI6MCwianRpIjoiOGExMDc1MTEtY2YzMC00ODcxLWIzZmQtZjY1NmJhNDUyZTRiIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiUG9zdG1hbkludGVncmF0aW9uLWNsaWVudCIsInRlbmFudElkZW50aWZpZXIiOiJhcG9sbyJ9.RJg1Xb7rVs6s-H6qItcZmwkLAaV95AgbaY813PTn4U7fDz7GV0gpVsMgWAcHOnSV9J-KGsdyw2vHf4rIfH3h8dt3SrJq8B7TPpMNoccXCarBEIGxxMHAKxs9cPcuw7cNY2K5NtfKj8voRl0vRzBHxuQS8h7J6hYnLcOFIMK6B-hZQKBbYL7lgOY86l22ghjcyY9pzwaxjNgtD922f3ru998Vyh_shJOiIb12QEqYxXzle-hxrOkB4hF_KVoNXi0w3WhO09i_aOX16eAfYo2neXd-hZ2TyFqQsKGNy83ZDkwCeeV2Y6Yxck_tMTBVrH6YaAc4NDtEHpA591vImBWtwg' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"requesterEmail": "",
"priorityName": "Low",
"urgencyName": "Low",
"impactName": "Low",
"changeType": "Emergency",
"categoryName": "General",
"locationName": "Asia",
"tags": [
"departmentName": "IT",
"technicianGroupName": "IT",
"targetEnvironment": "Development",
"subject": "Laptop Battery Replacement",
"description": "<p>The battery of the laptop got drained out soon.</p>",
"startDate": 1633343520000,
"endDate": 1635330720000,
"fileAttachments": [
"id": 5,
"name": "CHG-5",
"subject": "Laptop Battery Replacement",
"description": "The battery of the laptop got drained out soon.",
"createdTime": 1686027307917,
"updatedTime": 1686027307917,
"requesterEmail": "",
"requesterName": "john",
"priorityName": "Low",
"urgencyName": "Low",
"impactName": "Low",
"riskType": "Low",
"changeType": "Emergency",
"categoryName": "General",
"locationName": "Asia",
"tags": [
"departmentName": "IT",
"technicianGroupName": "IT",
"assigneeEmail": "",
"targetEnvironment": "Development",
"startDate": 1633343520000,
"endDate": 1635330720000,
"fileAttachments": [],
"customField": {},
"statusName": "Requested"