15.4. Create a New Project


Technicians with necessary permissions can create a project. Learn more.

A technician can create a new project in the following way:

  • He goes to the project list page.

  • He clicks on the Create a Project button situated in the top right corner of the page.

figure 10
  • A dialog box opens where the technician can enter the following inputs:

    figure 11
    1. Name of the project in the name field.

    2. Project Key: The project key will be used to generate unique ids for tasks created in the project.

    3. Set the project owner. He/she will be the assigned technician.

    4. Set the priority of the project.

    5. Set the Start and end date of the project.

    6. Set the location of the project; this applies location scope to the project. To be member/owner of the project, a technician has to have the location permission (or All Location permission) as set in the project. Learn more about location scoping.

    7. Set a Department. Learn how to add more departments

    8. Set a Category. Learn how to add more Category

    9. Write a description of the project.

  • When done, the technician will click on Create.

15.4.1. Project Visibility

  • A new project is visible to the creator only by default.

  • Projects follow location scoping when it comes to visibility, which means a technician has to have the permission of the location of a project. A project inherits the location of the creator.

  • A project creator can assign an owner and members, which allows others to view the project. During assignment, the technician list is filtered based on the location permission of the creator.