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Creating a Contract

You can create a new contract directly into the system when you are logged in.

To create a Contract,

  1. Click the Create New + button and select the Create Contract option. The following page appears.

Create Contract Button

Creating a Contract

  1. Enter the following details:
Parameter              Description
NameEnter the name of the contract.
Contract NumberEnter the number of the contract.
Contract TypeSelect the type of contract from the dropdown. The default options are: Lease, Warranty, Maintenance, and Support. To configure additional contract types, click here.
Parent ContractSelect the contract which you want to associate as a parent contract from the dropdown. The dropdown displays all the contracts available on the Contract List View page. Once a contract is assigned as a parent, its children contracts will be available in the Child Contracts tab of the Contract Details Page.
VendorSelect the vendor with whom the contract is to be created. You can also add a vendor if not available in the list. For more details, refer to the Vendor Catalog page.
Contract Start DateSelect the date from which the contract will start.
Contract End DateSelect the date till which the contract will end.
CostEnter the cost of the contract. You can also select the currency.
DepartmentSelect the department.
OwnerSelect the owner of the contract.
DescriptionEnter the description of the contract.
AttachmentsAttach the documents related to the contract. Once attached, you can preview or even delete it using the respective icons.
  1. Once done, click Create, and a confirmation message appears. Once created, you can update or perform actions on it from the Details page.